4.x Branch

compared with
Current by Laurent Lacôte
on Feb 24, 2014 17:06.

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FIXME Cette page (ainsi que sa soeur) est nécessaire pour procurer une page cible dans le nouveau menu à trois niveau (Petals ESB > Petals ESB 4.x >> Petals ESB 4.1, Petals ESB 4.0).
ajouter :
- paragraphe court expliquant l'objectif/changement majeur de la branche.
- historique des releases avec lien vers release note / téléchargement / espace de documentation.

So far, we waited for the core of Petals ESB (the "container") to come to a new release, and we published it altogether with any and all components that were improved during the same time. We called this container "Petals ESB x.x.x", numbering it after the version number of the container. Then, each user had to download this so-called "Petals ESB" and any other component separately.