Petals Components

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h2. What are the Petals components?
As many modern solutions, [Petals ESB|petalsesb:What is Petals ESB?] has been designed to be lightweight and very potent at the same time. As such, it is architectured in two main parts:


- the container, core of the solution, and providing typical middleware and ESB features,
- the components, which can be seen as modular plugins bringing various features, each one of them following an international standard.
They are exposed directly as services into the bus. It can be executing code (POJO), performing transformations (XSLT), scheduling (Quartz) and so on...

We invite you to get a look at our components's [User Guides|Components User Guides] first. Once you're familiarized with a component, you're welcome to reproduce our Use-cases. [Use cases|Components Use Cases].

