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h1. Rationale and Context

The application XXX is a legacy application that daily produces various kinds of logs.
Each log is a positional file, where information is ordered by column of a determined length.

Due to recent hardware failures, it was decided that some of these logs should be backed up in a more robust way.
In addition, a new application upgrade is planned, which consists in using a new monitoring console with this application.
Eventually, the Information System Manager wants to define and set up additional processes, implemented with BPEL. These new processes will have to interact with the existing application.
Some of these interactions may involve log backups in case of emergency situations.

Hence, for a long-term storage, and in order to make the application events visible in this new monitoring console, it was decided the main information from these logs would have to be archived every 3 days in a data center. This data center will be accessed by the monitoring console to display the events the user queries. The log storage will also act as a safety measure in case where other hardware failures would occur.

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h1. Solution

h2. Overall solution

The logs processing was decided to be handled with Talend Open Studio, while the BPEL processes will have to run inside Petals ESB.
The requirements naturally led to a native integration between both products.
Besides, it was proposed that the execution schedule would be defined in Petals.

Thus, with this solution, the logs are copied in a temporary directory, loaded, filtered and written to a database through a Talend job.
The loaded logs are then moved into a backup directory. This way, one log file is processed only once before being archived.

This Talend job is exposed as a service into Petals, using the *Petals-SE-Talend* component. This way, it can be called by any Petals service, including a BPEL process.
And it can also be scheduled to be executed on a regular basis, every day in this case.

The execution schedule is handled by the *Petals-SE-Quartz* component.
Every 3 days, at the same time, it will send a message to the Talend job, so that the log transfer is made.

This use case only describes the way the logs are saved periodically.

h2. Petals Settings and Message Flows


*Deployed configurations:*

# One configuration for the Petals-SE-Quartz component. It will trigger message sending to execute the job.
# One configuration for the Petals-SE-Talend, which embeds the job to execute.

*Message flows:*

# From Petals-SE-Quartz to Petals-SE-Talend

h1. Configuration for the Petals-SE-Talend component

h2. Creating the job

The job is made up of six Talend components:
* The first sub-job copies all the log files into a temporary directory.
** The *tFileList* components gets all the \*.log files from the directory _System.getProperty( "user.home" ) + "/logs"_
** The log file is copied into a temporary directory using a *tFileCopy* component. The original file is deleted.

* If the first sub-job worked fine, the second sub-job is run.
** A second *tFileList* components gets all the logs file from the temporary directory.
** For every found log file (_iterate_ connection), the *tFileInputPositional* component loads its content.
** The *tMysqlOutput* component receives the content from a log file and sends it into the table *logs* from the *logstorage* database.
** Eventually, a second *tFileCopy* is in charge of copying the log into the backup directory. The original file is deleted.

Here is what the job looks like.


Here are the properties of the first tFileList component.


Here are the properties of the first tFileCopy component.


Here are the properties of the second tFileList component.


Here are the properties of the tFileInputPositional component.


Here are the properties of the tMysqlOutput component.


Here are the properties of the second tFileCopy component.


Eventually, here is the schema of the tMySqlOutput and tFileInputPositional components.


h2. Exporting the job for Petals

The selected export options are the default ones (singleton job, no generated end-point).


h1. Configuration for the Petals-SE-Quartz component

Exposing the Talend job as a service inside Petals allows it to be called by any client.
This features allows the use of the Petals-SE-Quartz component.
Every 3 days, this component will be in charge of sending a message to trigger the execution of the BackupLogs job.

The job will be called every three days, let's say at noon. It corresponds to the following CRON expression.

0 0 12 1/3 * ?

And the XML message to send can be found, as an example, with SoapUI.
In this case, no parameter is required.


The configuration below was generated with the Petals Studio for the version 1.1 of the Petals-SE-Quartz component.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
JBI descriptor for the Petals' "petals-se-quartz" component (Quartz).
Originally created for the version 1.1 of the component.
<jbi:jbi version="1.0"

<!-- Import a Service into Petals or Expose a Petals Service => use a BC. -->
<jbi:services binding-component="false">

<!-- Expose a Petals Service => consumes a Service. -->

<!-- CDK specific elements -->

<!-- Component specific elements -->
<quartz:cron-expression>0 0 12 1/3 * ?</quartz:cron-expression>

h1. Running the use case

To test this use case, the first valuable thing to do would be to change the CRON expression, so that the jobs is executed every 30 seconds instead of every day.
{noformat}0/30 * * * * ?{noformat} works.

Then, add a log file in the directory the *tFileList* will list.
As an example, you can use the following log sample. It will be inserted in the database (let the job create the table).

07-07-2007 07:45:53 error CATALO An error occured while taking a command.
03-06-2009 16:42:50 info USERS New user registered.
11-04-2009 06:39:51 error 8E1gMN W4mcL2CIpTLl0cOHumMvIJ8gaF9m0cUWFAyyRBGv3
11-04-2007 07:23:48 warning gaINXp mrEyySARH6Yc3tMWFzlFO2bYUpchwekQI43xD83G4
05-05-2009 13:00:47 info CxoGez N5vkw9F4jczRRfj807ZXEyvi86pAhkASAsb5b2a95
01-03-2009 19:33:30 info aM8JZo lKDMq5GF4syj2NTlSkfAA4kMtR5ASXzLaCNlJDrg6
23-06-2009 20:11:07 warning 3mIzm1 yIKmz0xUYW4058hUe2v0dq8to4JAutbG3ONAohVL7
29-05-2009 10:23:11 info wfyrV2 1erGxKQyDSNffb2wFII43OA1L6rMsdeV28mZKZVK8
17-02-2008 09:41:24 info AsZFLL 45eJQpAYKhxGLiA6KYhgRsfM5Ltu4gbIgFBxyh2P9
09-04-2008 01:52:37 warning UllFc9 J8x1CMJbkSYgx0KBLlMNFtqAPixPVYA4VgYZagqP10
14-12-2008 18:17:25 error GUpq0U CNw6lbzMLcZ5ixugAM7Zmna8AclbXAS6JKvVZ6us11
08-01-2008 05:26:04 info qde3jr O41PMrbdetJfFaYKXkGA4EufaTyjFjl1L6KUFb3H12
24-08-2008 01:57:30 error Guuyun GOdUV6h2uQT6BBiIkXBNweQ37xKqiycxzN3cNJz013
15-02-2009 01:35:17 warning RcK0An 3XfRFHZVxmPWyWYYxwUPEIdS0UfVA4Lohv8mH4sf14
10-10-2009 01:37:54 info gKDXsQ sGp7W1lHIcEMmRVplXubIEhiuPyvqeM0uitH8kFu15
27-12-2007 20:24:55 info HpcAdh rEb8afMwiEATnoiDSjNxeY5flbG2o30AIasBOJCR16
26-09-2008 18:02:58 warning mHulRI G0FiOoaHh54ip5V5SyYacQiKgyckCN0Z1CEdw5Yo17

Deploy the *Petals-SE-Quartz* and *Petals-SE-Talend* components in Petals, as well as the two service-units.
Wait for a minute and check the Petals console and the database.
The console should display information about the request processing in the *Petals-SE-Talend* component.
The database should see the logs table created and filled-in. And the log file should have been moved into the _backup_ directory.