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{warning}This version must be installed on Petals ESB 5.0.1+{warning}

h1. Exposing a SMTP transfer as a service. (Provides mode)

PROVIDE SERVICE: Import into the JBI environment an email account as a service, or use a generic SendMail service:

Petals Mail binding component allows JBI consumers to send mails to an email account. A JBI endpoint is registered into the JBI environment, and is linked to an smtp server, with an email address defined. When MailBC receives a message exchange from Petals platform, the content of the message is sent to the defined email address.

*Sending mails* {center}

* Step 1: A JBI Consumer sends a Message Exchange to the Mail Binding Component.
* Step 2: Mail Binding Component processes the Message Exchange: transforms it into a mail message and retrieve targeted External Provider Service (email address) linked to the endpoint set in the Message Exchange.
* Step 3: Mail Binding Component sends this new mail to the targeted External Provider Service (Business Service, simple email account...).
{panel:title=Table of contents}{toc:outline=true}{panel}

h2. Dynamic Exposition

The component can expose directly a generic SendMail service without deploying a service unit.

To allow the component to provide his generic service, the component must have a wsdl with the name: component.wsdl. An example of this file is present in the component.To deactivate the generic service supplies by the component,simply erase the file: component.wsdl.

This service offer two mode:

* In-Payload mode: The service allows the consumer to send a specific XML message to the component withall the information needed to send an email in the payload.

The IN message looks like :

<ns0:mail xmlns:ns0="">
         <ns0:body>My email content</ns0:body>

* Out-Payload mode: The service allows the consumer to send a JBI message to the component by setting ws-addressing properties in the IN message with all the information needed to send an email. The content of the mail (body) is in the payload of the mesage.

The IN message looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mail><body>My Mail Content</body></mail>

The possible properties are the following:
|| IN Property || Description || Default || Required ||
| \{[]}To | email address of the recipient | \- | Yes |
| \{[]}From | email address of the sender | \- | Yes |
| \{[]}ReplyTo | email address for the reply | \- | no |
| \{[]}Action | the subject of the mail | petals-bc-mail | no |
| \{[]}Host | the host used for connection | \- | Yes |
| \{[]}Port | the port used for connection | 25 | No |
| \{[]}User | the username used for authentication | \- | No |
| \{[]}Password | the password used for authentication. Can be null or empty | \- | No |
| \{[]}Scheme | the connection protocol (smtp) | smtp | No |
| \{[]}HeloHost | HELO host for SMTP | \- | No |
| \{[]}SendMode | Send either the source, the attachments or both of the payload | content-and-attachments | No |
| \{[]}ContentType | The mail mime type | text/plain | no |

h2. Static exposition

Petals Mail binding component can be configured by deploying a new service unit to it. The jbi descriptor ( jbi.xml file) of this service unit must contain a provides node describing the link between an internal jbi endpoint and an external email address.

Once a provides node is configured, you can start to send email via the mail binding component. You just have to send message exchange to endpoints activated by service unit deployments (containing jbi.xml with provides node).

The IN message looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mail><body>My Mail Content</body></mail>

h3. Configuration

h4. Service Unit descriptor

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- JBI descriptor for PEtALS' "petals-bc-mail" (Mail), version 3.0 -->
<jbi:jbi version="1.0"

<!-- Import a Service into PEtALS or Expose a PEtALS Service => use a BC. -->
<jbi:services binding-component="true">

<!-- Import a Service into PEtALS => provides a Service. -->

<!-- CDK specific elements -->

<!-- Component specific elements -->
<mail:from>from email address</mail:from>
<mail:reply>reply email address</mail:reply>
<mail:to>recipient address</mail:to>
<mail:subject>mail subject</mail:subject>

{include:0 CDK SU Provide Configuration}
{center}{*}Configuration of a Service Unit to provide a service (Mail)*{center}

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| scheme | the connection protocol (smtp) | \- | Yes |
| username | the username used for authentication | \- | No |
| password | the password used for authentication. Can be null or empty | \- | No |
| host | the host used for connection | \- | Yes |
| port | the port used for connection | 25 | No |
| to | email address of the recipient | \- | Yes |
| from | email address of the sender | \- | Yes |
| reply | email address for the reply | \- | No |
| subject | the subject of the mail | petals-bc-mail | No |
| helohost | HELO host for SMTP | \- | No |
| send-mode | Send either the source, the attachments or both of the payload | content-and-attachments | No |
| content-type | The mail mime type | text/plain | no |

{include:0 CDK SU Interceptor configuration}

h4. Service Unit content

The Service Unit has to contain the following elements, packaged in an archive :

* The META-INF/jbi.xml descriptor file, has described above,
* An optional wsdl file describing the related service

- jbi.xml
- service.xml


h2. Usage

If the email content is a markup language, it's recommended to use CDATA section or to escape illegal XML character:
Example of IN message with CDATA section:
<body><![CDATA[<element>my content</element>]]></body>

Example of IN message with escaped illegal XML character:
<body>&lt;element&gt;my content&lt;/element&gt;</body>

{warning:title=warning} InOnly message exchange patterns are allowed.{warning}

h1. Invoking service on incoming email



*Receiving mails*

Petals Mail binding component (MailBC) allows to receive mails from external consumer and to bind them to message exchanges intinded to internal jbi components. To receive new mails, MailBC can be linked to specific mail stores. It will check these stores periodicaly to retrieve new mails. If it finds a new mail in a store, it will process it (map this mail to a message exchange) and send it to the targeted jbi endpoint. Then the mail is removed from the store. So, all mails (read or unread) in a store are considered as new mail.

* Step 1: An External Consumer Entity (Business Service or simple mail client) sends an email to the registered Mail Store (a classical email account).
* Step 2: Mail Binding Component periodicaly checks for new mails and imports them.
* Step 3and 4 : Mail Binding Component processes this new mails : transforms them into Message Exchanges, sends them to targeted jbi components (step 4) and finally delete them from the mail Store.

h3. Service Unit descriptor

Petals Mail binding component can be configured by deploying a new service unit to it. The jbi descriptor (jbi.xml file) of this service unit must contains a consumes node describing the link between an external mail store and an internal jbi endpoint. Here is an exemple of jbi descriptor activating a new "consumed service" :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- JBI descriptor for PEtALS' "petals-bc-mail" (Mail), version 3.0 -->
<jbi:jbi version="1.0"

<!-- Import a Service into PEtALS or Expose a PEtALS Service => use a BC. -->
<jbi:services binding-component="true">

<!-- Expose a PEtALS Service => consumes a Service. -->

<!-- CDK specific elements -->

<!-- Component specific elements -->
{include:0 CDK SU Consume Configuration}

{center}{*}Configuration of a Service Unit to consume a service (Mail)*{center}

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| scheme | the connection protocol (imap or pop3) | \- | Yes |
| username | the username used for authentication | \- | No |
| password | the password used for authentication. Can be null or empty | \- | No |
| host | the host used for connection | \- | Yes |
| port | the port used for connection | * imap : 143
* pop3 : 110 | No |
| folder | the folder to check for new mails | INBOX | No |
| delete | Expunge deleted messages (read messages are marked as DELETED, default is TRUE) | true | No |
| period | the checking period time | 60 000 ms | No |
| isxmlcontent | Assume mail content is XML. If false, mail content will be wrapped in an <body /> element. | false | No |

{include:0 CDK SU Interceptor configuration}

h3. Service Unit content

The Service Unit has to contain the following elements, packaged in an archive :
* The META-INF/jbi.xml descriptor file, has described above

- jbi.xml

h3. Usage

When a new email is in the INBOX folder of the configured email account, the content of the mail is forwarded to the JBI Service defined in the Consumes section of the Service Unit.

The component sends exchange with the InOnly pattern only.

h1. Component Configuration

{include:0 CDK Component Configuration Table 5.6.0}
{include:0 CDK Parameter scope}
{include:0 CDK component Interceptor configuration}

h1. Monitoring the component

h2. Using metrics

Several probes providing metrics are included in the component, and are available through the JMX MBean '{{org.ow2.petals:type=custom,name=monitoring_*<component-id>*}}', where {{*<component-id>*}} is the unique JBI identifier of the component.

h3. Common metrics

{include:0 CDK Component Monitoring Metrics 5.6.0}

h3. Dedicated metrics

No dedicated metric is available.

h2. Receiving alerts

Several alerts are notified by the component through notification of the JMX MBean '{{org.ow2.petals:type=custom,name=monitoring_*<component-id>*}}', where {{*<component-id>*}} is the unique JBI identifier of the component.

{tip}To integrate these alerts with Nagios, see [petalsesbsnapshot:Receiving Petals ESB defects in Nagios].{tip}

h3. Common alerts

{include:0 CDK Component Monitoring Alerts 5.6.0}

h3. Dedicated alerts

No dedicated alert is available.