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h1. Petals Studio 1.4

Here are the new and noteworthy features of Petals Studio 1.4.

{note}This release is mainly the same as Petals Studio 1.3 but updated for Petals 5's components.{note}

h2. Eclipse Indigo and Eclipse Maven support

This version of Petals Studio has been updated to Eclipse Indigo SR2 with the M2E plugin pre-installed.

h2. Petals Maven Plugin 3.0.0 is used by default

The default version of the {{petals-maven-plugin}} used with Petals 5 is now version 3.0.0.

h2. BPEL abandoned

The BPEL component has been abandoned.

h2. Miscellaneous

This version works with Petals 5 and the main features of Petals 3 and 4 (except for BPEL).

This version contains:
* Bug fixes.
* Minor enhancements.

See the complete release notes for more details.
* [Petals Studio 1.4.0|]