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h1. Jars requirements:

This is the place to find documentation about the Petals Web Console requirements.

Because Petals Webconsole use a number of classes and interfaces that describe

and define the contracts between a servlet class (of *2.5 Servlet Specification API*), you

need to use  runtime environment which provided it.

So, if you want to run the Petals Webconsole, you need to have a servlet container which

+support+ 2.5 Java ServletSpecification API, for example _Tomcat 6, Jetty 7, JBoss 5.1 GA_.

You can verify if you Java web server provide the 2.5 Servlet Specification API, by

checking in the server librairies the "_servlet-api.jar_" and verify if the Manifest file

correctly contains "_Specification-Version: 2.5_".