Petals-BC-SOAP 4.1.x

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|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| soap-version | The SOAP version used to create SOAP messages. \\
| chunked-mode | Activate the HTTP chunked mode on Web Service calls. \\
Possible values are: true, false. | false | Yes |
| synchronous-timeout | The timeout value when invoking an external service. \\ {info:title=Note}This value overrides the CDK value.{info} \\
The value is expressed in milliseconds. It must be provided in multiples of 100. | 30000 | No |
| cleanup-transport | Cleanup the transport after the call of the external Web Service. \\
Not cleaning up the transport can cause timeouts on large number of calls. \\

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| wsa-to | Default address of the external Web Service to send JBI messages to. | \- | No |

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| service-name | Web Service name to expose. | \- | No |
| soap-action | The SOAP action QName to be used for the Web Service, will override the JBI message operation. | \- | No |
| synchronous-timeout | The timeout value when invoking a service in the JBI bus. \\ {info:title=Note}This value overrides the CDK value.{info} \\
The value is expressed in milliseconds. | \- | No |
| mode | The mode to be used to receive messages. \\
Possible values are: SOAP for basic Web Service messages, JSON for JSON service messages and REST for REST service messages. | SOAP | Yes |

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| service-parameters | Additional XML configuration for created Axis2 service as CDATA, same as the Axis2 services.xml file one. | | No |
{center}{*}Configuration of a Service Unit to provide a service (REST)*{center}

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| address | Address of the external Web Service to send JBI messages to. | \- | Yes |
| synchronous-timeout | The timeout value when invoking an external service. \\ {info:title=Note}This value overrides the CDK value.{info} The value is expressed in milliseconds. It must be provided in multiples of 100. | 30000 | No |
| mode | The mode to be used to send SOAP message to the specified address. \\
Possible values are: SOAP for basic Web Service calls, JSON for JSON service calls and REST for REST service calls. | SOAP | Yes |

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| wsa-to | Default address of the external Web Service to send JBI messages to. It is the same use than soap:address for the REST mode and it is overridden by soap:address if the both are specified. | | No |
{center}{*}Configuration of a Service Unit to consume a service (REST)*{center}

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| service-name | Web Service name to expose. | \- | No |
| synchronous-timeout | The timeout value when invoking a service in the JBI bus. \\ {info:title=Note}This value overrides the CDK value.{info}The value is expressed in milliseconds. | \- | No |
| mode | The mode to be used to receive messages. \\
Possible values are: SOAP for basic Web Service messages, JSON for JSON service messages and REST for REST service messages. | SOAP | Yes |

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| service-parameters | Additional XML configuration for created Axis2 service as CDATA, same as the Axis2 services.xml file one. | \- | No |
{center}{*}Configuration of the component (SOAP)*{center}

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| http-port | HTTP port of the Jetty embedded server \\ | 8084 | No |