Petals-BC-SOAP 4.1.x

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|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| soap-version | The SOAP version used to create SOAP messages. \\

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| wsa-to | Default address of the external Web Service to send JBI messages to. | \- | No |

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| service-name | Web Service name to expose. | \- | No |

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| service-parameters | Additional XML configuration for created Axis2 service as CDATA, same as the Axis2 services.xml file one. | | No |

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| http-port | HTTP port of the Jetty embedded server \\ | 8084 | No |
{include:0 CDK Parameter scope}

h1. MONIT level traces description

Following MONIT level traces have information specific to the component defined here:

|| Trace code \\ || Specific information \\ || Message content stored \\ ||
| MON-005 | * specific information identifying the outside client: IP-address
* specific information identifying the consume service unit: URL of the exposed webservice | * SOAP Envelope,
* attachments |
| MON-006 | * specific information identifying the external service provider: URL of the external webservice | * SOAP Envelope,
* attachments |
| MON-007 | \- \\ | * SOAP Envelope,
* attachments |
| MON-008 | \- \\ | * SOAP Envelope,
* attachments |

h1. Know problems