Logging in Petals

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h1. Logging systems

Petals ESB uses two distinct logging systems. Most of the container apart from the registry uses the logger provided by the JDK, while the registry uses Apache log4j.
Petals ESB uses the logging system provided by the JDK.

The Petals ESB logger configuration is splitted into two files, one for each logging system:
* the JDK Logging system is configured according to the following ordered rules:
The logger configuration is determined according to the following ordered rules:
*# # the file defined as value of the Java system property {{petals.container.log.config.file}} to set (set on the Java command line through the environment file, ie. {{env.sh|bat}}),
*# # the file defined as value of the property {{petals.container.log.config.file}} of the local container configuration, ie. {{server.properties}},
*# # the file '{{loggers.properties}}' located in the same path than the local container configuration, ie. {{server.properties}}.

* {{log4j.properties}}: is configured through the file '{{log4j.properties}}' located in the same directory than the local container configuration file, ie. {{server.properties}}.

{note}An issue JIRA already exists to merge both logging systems: {jira:PETALSESBCONT-227}{note}

Each property value of the JDK logging system configuration file can contain reference to other properties using a placeholder as: