Petals-SE-Activiti 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT

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* true: Upon building the process engine, a check is performed and an update of the schema is performed if it is necessary. If the schema doesn't exist, it is created.
* create-drop: Creates the schema when the process engine is being created and drops the schema when the process engine is being closed. | {center}true{center} | {center}No{center} | {center}Installation{center} |
| engine-enable-job-executor | Enable or disable the Activiti job executor. See [Activiti job executor configuration|#job_executor] | {center}true{center} | {center}No{center} | {center}Installation{center} |
| engine-enable-bpmn-validation | Enable or disable the BPMN validation of processes to deploy into the Activiti engine | {center}true{center} | {center}No{center} | {center}Installation{center} |
| engine-identity-service-class-name | Class name of the entity service to use. | {center}{{org.ow2.petals.activitibpmn.identity.file.FileIdentityService}}{center} | {center}No{center} | {center}Installation{center} |
| engine-identity-service-config-file | Configuration file of the entity service used. | {center}The default configuration of the entity service is service dependent. See documentation of the entity service{center} | {center}No{center} | {center}Installation{center} |

h3. Activiti job executor configuration

Activiti requires a job executor to manage a couple of threads to fire timers, to invoke service tasks, other asynchronous tasks. At least one job executor is required.

When deploying several Petals SE Activiti running with the same database, you can disable the job executor on some Petals SE Activiti. Or even, you can specialized a Petals SE Activiti to process all asynchronous tasks enabling the job executor on only one Petals SE Activiti.

h1. Business monitoring