Petals ANT Tasks 2.10.0+

Version 1 by Christophe DENEUX
on Jul 05, 2024 12:17.

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Current by Christophe DENEUX
on Jul 05, 2024 12:22.

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h2. Condition {{isResponseTimeMetricAvailable}}

The condition '{{isResponseTimeMetricAvailable}}' verifies that response time metrics are available for the given component.

|| Attribute || Description || Default ||Required ? ||
| {{host}} | the hostname of a Petals container | {{localhost}} | No |
| {{port}} | JMX port of the Petals container | {{7700}} | No |
| {{username}} | JMX username of the Petals container | - | No |
| {{password}} | JMX password of the Petals container | - | No |
| {{componentName}} | the component identifier for which we want verify that response time metrics are available | - | Yes |

h3. Example

<waitfor maxwait="${monitoring-sampling-period}"
<isResponseTimeMetricAvailable componentName="${bc-soap-name}" />