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h2. Creation of a new flow type

Clicking on "Referential management" item of the "Referential menu" opens a screen showing, in a table, all the flow types detected in the application. If no flow has been saved in database yet, you'll see the following screen: !ViewAllRefWithoutUnknownFlow.png|thumbnail,border=1!

Here yo !worddave48a8ec8be505dde6c3fbf45de1c8055.png|height=309,width=593! u can click on "ADD" to create a new flow type by following further instructions of this user guide.
If flows have been already saved in the database, without associated referentials, you'll get the following screen:
\\ !worddavbea2135d129bea98eaf115ff528cd2a8.png|height=307,width=593!
\\ !ViewListFlowRefWithUnknownFlow.png|thumbnail,border=1!
Here we don't have any yet, only one "Unknown" type. Click on it to get this screen:
With this method, the "Type" field is automatically filled in to match the flow in the database. You can't therefore change it. (If you created a referential "from scratch", you'd have to fill in the field yourself, and ensure the number you type doesn't interfere with another flow type).
The "Name" field is manatory, fill it in (preferably with a human-readable name) to be able to create the referential.
\\ !worddav4b5af4bebf755ac2d001df0ccd53a087.png|height=319,width=604!
\\ !CreateFlowRefbyUnknowFlowFull.png|thumbnail,border=1!
Click on "Create" to save the new flow type and automatically get the screen to further configure/modify it.

h2. Viewing/Edition of a flow type