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Changes (2)

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You can filter the view by selecting a period of time applying on starting date ("after the" and/or "before the").
You can also filter the view by flow status or flow type, thanks to the dropdown menus located in table header.
"See all flows" buttons makes Petals View displays any and all flows, including the unknown ones, without any time limitation
"Refresh" button allows to update the table to check latest flows.
"Export" button exports the table you see on the screen in CSV (the separation of the results is ";").
"Delete" button will remove the flow of a type which the number of days has been configured in the referential.
Warning, if you have a large quantity of flows in your database that you want to delete, this operation can take several minutes.

* "See all flows" buttons makes Petals View displays any and all flows, including the unknown ones, without any time limitation

* "Refresh" button allows to update the table to check latest flows.

* "Export" button exports the table you see on the screen in CSV (the separation of the results is ";").

* "Delete" button will remove the flow of a type which the number of days has been configured in the referential.
{note}If you have a large quantity of flows in your database that you want to delete, this operation can take several minutes. {note}
To analyse a flow in detail, click on its instance identifier (the number) in the table.