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Version 5 by Sandra TRINO
on Jun 18, 2010 11:03.

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* Fifth one is to configure the referential in Petals View, to give meaning to the raw data stored in the database.

h21. First stage: setting up persistent environment

If you don't have any MySQL (or PostgreSQL) database server up and ready yet, download and install it following your system's procedure.

h21. Stage 2: Configuring Petals View

* Download the KPI component (

h21. Stage 3: Configuring and setting up notification environment

* Setting up Petals ESB and its components:
* Install all Services Assemblies you want to use with these components.

h21. Stage 4: Creating your and corresponding

You can use Petals Studio to create the SA-KPI needed for notification configuration. For this guide, we'll use an example of SA/SU batch to show you how to create them.
Here you define the parameters you want to attach to your step. Notice that for now, the parameters attached to an «out» state will not be taken in account.

h21. *Stage 5: Configuring the Referential in Petals View*

* Deploy Petals View's war in an application server
Click on "Referential Management" in left menu panel.

h32. If you already launch at least one flow in PetalsESB:

* Click on the "Unknown" flow type:
Repeat the procedure to configure any and all steps and parameters.

h32. If you didn't launch any flow in Petals ESB yet:

* Click on ''ADD'' button