Petals-BC-Filetransfer 3.x

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h3. Service Unit descriptor

Example of a File Transfer Service Unit:
Example of a File Transfer Service Unit descriptor that provides a Service:


|| Attribute || Description || Default value || Required ||
| filename | The name of the file where the JBI message (the XML content) will be written in. \\
h2. Configurations

{include:0 CDK SU Consume Configuration}
{center}{*}Configuration of a Service Unit to consume a service (File Transfer)*
|| Attribute || Description || Default Value || Required ||
| folder | Working directory where files are written or retrieved. $ \{myEnvVariable\} environment variables are supported. | {center}\-{center} | {center}Yes{center} |
| backup-directory | The directory where files are moved before being read.Environment variables are supported with the form $\{myEnvVariable\}. | {center}\\
default system temporary directory \\ \\
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{center}\\ | {center}No{center} |
| polling-period | Polling period in milliseconds | {center}1000{center} | {center}No{center} |
| filename | Pattern used filter files to read | {center}\*{center} | {center}No{center} |
| transfer-mode | The mode of transfer of the received file(s) as message payload. \\
Accepted values : content, attachment. | {center}attachment{center} | {center}No{center} |
| base-message | The skeleton of XML-message to send to the consumed service. It may contain *$content* or *$attachment*, or none of them. This is the way the component should link the file with the returned message. \\
* *$content* will be replaced by the file content.
* *$attachment* will set the file in attachment. It will be replaced by a xop:include element which references the attachment (MTOM-like). | | {center}No{center} |

{note}The parameter "transfer-mode" and "base-msg" can not be used at the same time.{note}

h3. Service Unit descriptor

The service unit is configurable via its extensions in the jbi.xml file.

*Example 1{*}*: used parameter* *transfer{*}*\-mode*
*Example 1{*}*: use of the parameter* *transfer{*}*\-mode*
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

*Example 2 : used use of the parameter base-msg*
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

h1. Component Configuration
{include:0 CDK SU Consume Configuration}
{center}{*}Configuration of a Service Unit to consume a service (File Transfer)*
|| Attribute || Description || Default Value || Required ||
| folder | Working directory where files are written or retrieved. $ \{myEnvVariable\} environment variables are supported. | {center}\-{center} | {center}Yes{center} |
| backup-directory | The directory where files are moved before being read.Environment variables are supported with the form $\{myEnvVariable\}. | {center}default system temporary directory {center} | {center}No{center} |
| polling-period | Polling period in milliseconds | {center}1000{center} | {center}No{center} |
| filename | Pattern used filter files to read | {center}\*{center} | {center}No{center} |
| transfer-mode | The mode of transfer of the received file(s) as message payload. \\
Accepted values : content, attachment. | {center}attachment{center} | {center}No{center} |
| base-message | The skeleton of XML-message to send to the consumed service. It may contain *$content* or *$attachment*, or none of them. This is the way the component should link the file with the returned message. \\
* *$content* will be replaced by the file content.
* *$attachment* will set the file in attachment. It will be replaced by a xop:include element which references the attachment (MTOM-like). | {center}\-{center} | {center}No{center} |

{note}The parameter "transfer-mode" and "base-msg" can not be used at the same time.{note}

{include:0 CDK Component Configuration Table 2.1}
h1. Component Configuration

{include:0 CDK Component Configuration Table 2.1}
{include:0 CDK Parameter scope}
{include:0 CDK Component Interceptor configuration}