Petals Getting started - day 3 - Expose a FTP Service in SOAP

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Hi again Petals Padawan. Glad to see you're still on board \!
For your 3rd day, you will connect Petals ESB to an FTP server, and expose the created FTP service as a SOAP web-service, outside Petals ESB.
{panel:title=Last tested with}
* Petals Guide Package 1.0 - [Download binaries here|]
# Go to *[]* in your web browser. It displays a page dedicated to "Petals BC SOAP".
# Go to *Service List*.
# Copy the URL of "SoapFtpTutorial" WSDL. (It migh be: [] )

*Create a SOAP UI Project:*
# Launch SOAP UI.
# Launch *soapUI*.
# Click *File > New soapUI Project*.
## *Project Name*: PetalsFtpTutorial (or whatever name).
## *Initial WSDL/WADL*: Paste the WSDL URL previously copied. Might be: [|]
# Click *OK*.

*Test the proxified FTP DIR operation:*
# Click *PetalsFtpTutorial > FtpServiceSoapBinding > dir*.
# Right click on *Request1*.
# Select *Show Request Editor*: Double-click *Request1*. It displays a window with a pre-generated message.
# Delete what is under&nbsp; text with equal or higher indentation than&nbsp; <\!\--Optionnal-\->. This means deleting <connection> node and its children.

{info}Ftp parameters are already configured in the Service-Unit _jbi.xml_, so you do not need to configure them again.{info}

{code:lang=xml|title=Your message looks like this}
# Click on the magnifier image on the right of any message exchange to get details. You should get a screen like this:
!Exchange SOAP-FTP.png|thumbnail,border=1!
_Screen: Message exchange status_
_Message exchange status_

{info}You can see the message was sent by BC-SOAP to BC-FTP{info}