Petals Getting started - day 3 - Expose a FTP Service in SOAP

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## *Service Name*: FtpTutorial
# Click *Next > Next*. It displays the window "FTP Service-Unit - Define the specific properties for this version of the component."
{note}<folder> attribute is written as optionnal in Studio, but it is not. It will be optional in BC-FTP v3, so as soon as it is published, you will not need to specify the folder attribute for the tutorial.{note}
## *Server*:
## *Port*: 21
# Go to *[]* in your web browser. It displays a page dedicated to "Petals BC SOAP".
# Go to *Service List*.
# Copy the URL of "SoapFtpTutorial" WSDL. (It migh be: [] )
# Copy the URL of "SoapFtpTutorial" WSDL. (Should look like: - You can also use:&nbsp; [] )

*Create a SOAP UI Project:*
*Technical monitoring with Webconsole:*
# Go to *Webconsole > Server: 0 > Monitoring > Server Monitoring*
## Check *Filter Endpoint*.
## Select *FtpTutorialEndpoint.*
# Click *Submit.*
# Click the small image in the "Monitoring" column to activate _FtpTutorialEndpoint_ monitoring.
# Send a few test message with SOAP UI.
# Check that monitoring is still activated for "_FtpTutorialEndpoint"._ If not, activate it and send a few test messages with soapUI.
# Go to *Webconsole > Server: 0 > Monitoring > Filter Monitoring.*
# Click on the magnifier image on the right of any message exchange to get details. You should get a screen like this:
!Exchange SOAP-FTP.png|thumbnail,border=1!
_Message exchange status_
_Message exchange status - Message was sent by BC-SOAP to BC-FTP_

{info}You can see the message was sent by BC-SOAP to BC-FTP{info}