Petals Getting started - day 3 - Expose a FTP Service in SOAP

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Hi again Petals Padawan. Glad you're on board \!
For your 3rd day, you will connect Petals ESB to an a FTP server, and expose the created FTP service as a SOAP web-service, outside Petals ESB.
{panel:title=Last tested with}
* Petals Guide Package 1.0 - [Download binaries here|]
* Tomcat 6.0.29
* JDK 6 update 20
* sSoapUI 3.6

This Tutorial uses:
## *Folder*: /
# Click *Finish*.
# Look the source of generated _jbi.xml_, which defines the component configuration. The provide section should look like:
{code:lang=xml|title=jbi.xml}     <jbi:provides         
# Select *Petals > Fast Export for Petals*.
# Drop (or Copy-Paste) the generated file _sa-FTP-FtpTutorial-provide.zip_ to ./_petals-platform-xxx/install/_ folder to deploy it.
# Check Petals ESB traces to be make sure the SA was deployed successfully deployed. (Note: BC-FTP needs to be deployed before deploying your Service-Unit)

h2. Test and monitor in the Webconsole

*Send test DIR Operation on root folder:*
# Send a message to *FtpTutorialEndpoint*, with DIR operation.
# You should see the file "HelloWorld.txt", along with some other files.
{info:title=Want to go further?}Try reading "HelloWorld.txt" using BC-FTP. Look at the BC-FTP Documentation and go on on your own. (note that is read-only. If you want to call invoke writing operations, create use your own ftp server).{info}

h2. Expose the FTP service over SOAP
# Delete text with equal or higher indentation than&nbsp; <\!\--Optionnal-\->. This means deleting <connection> node and its children.

{info}Ftp {info}FTP parameters are already configured in the Service-Unit _jbi.xml_, so you do not need to configure them again.{info}

{code:lang=xml|title=Your message looks like this}

*DONE. Bravo\!*
Now you know how to:

* Connect Petals ESB to an FTP Server and call operations.
* Monitor service exchanges in the Webconsole.
* Expose a Petals Service as external SOAP Web-service.
* Test a web-service with soapUI.

This was more "real" usecase, hum ? Difficulty goes increasing, your knowledge as well.

*Tomorrow you will create a Petals service based on a custom Java class (annotated JSR 181).*