Petals Getting started - day 5 - EIP Orchestration

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{panel:title=Last tested with}
* Petals ESB 3.1
* Petals Studio 1.1.0
* Petals SE RMI 1.1.1
* Petals BC SOAP 4.0.2
* Petals Webconsole 2.0.3
* Petals Guide Package 1.0 - [Download binaries here|]
* Tomcat 6.0.29
* JDK 6 update 20
* Petals SE Jsr181 1.1.2 \-\- à tester avec 1.1.3
* SoapUI 3.6

*Added in this tutorial :*
This Tutorial uses:
* Petals Studio
* Petals ESB
* Petals SE RMI
* Petals BC SOAP
* Petals Web console
* Tomcat
* soapUI
* Petals SE Jsr-181
* Petals SE EIP 2.4.3 _(new)_

[(Download Petals binaries for this guide here)|]

{info}This tutorial is based on [EIP Buffer complex the use case|petalscomponents:Bufferize case: [petalscomponents:Bufferize operations with EIP].

h2. Definition of our integration process
h2. Integration process definition

You will use Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP, see below for explanations) to create this process :

h2. Configure the Splitter

# Create a new EIP Technical service with the following configuration:

# Launch *Petals Studio*.
# Click *File > New > Service-Unit Project*.
# Select *Use a Petals technical Service > EIP > Your_EIP_Version*.
# Configure Splitter Service-Unit with following configuration:
|| Parameter name \\ || Value \\ ||
|| JBI propertie || ||
|| JBI properties || _Note: EIP does not need a WSDL_ \\ ||
| Interface namespace: | [] |
| InterfaceName: | EipSplitterInterface |
| Service Namespace: | [] |
| Service Name: | EipSplitter |
| End-point Name: | EipSplitterEndpoint |
|| Project Name and Location || ||
| Project Name: | su-EIP-EipSplitter-provide |
|| Specific Component properties || ||
|| Chain calls (1) || ||
| Eip: | Splitter |
|| Service Parameters || ||
| Service Parameters | _Select "su-jsr181-MathOperations-provide" _ | Auto-configuration |
|| Chain calls (2) \\ || ||
| Selected Pattern: splitter | see below for configuration |
# Click *Add > Edit*. It displays the window "EIP: Invoked Service 1".
# Click *Select a service*.
# Double click *MathOperations implements MathOperations @ MathOperationsPort*.
# Fill the following properties for Invoked Service 1:
|| Service Identifiers || _Note: auto-configured_ ||
|| Invocation Properties || ||
| Operation Namespace: | [] |
| Operation: | AddIntegers |
| Mep: | InOut |
|| XPath Routing Condition || ||
| XPath Condition | //*\[local-name()="AddIntegers"\] |
|| Additional Parameters || ||
| Operation Namespace | [] |
| Operation | AddIntegers |
| Mep | InOut |
|| CDK properties || ||
| Validate WSDL | false | There is no wsdl |
# Click *Ok > Next > Finish*.

h2. Configure the Aggregator

# Create a new EIP Technical service with the following configuration:
# Create a *New Service-Unit Project* for *EIP Technical Service* with the following configuration:

|| Parameter name \\ || Value \\ ||
h2. Create and deploy an EIP Service Assembly

There is a tight-coupling between both EIP. Assembling them in one single Service Assembly (SA) can be a good idea (especially with EIP, which can chain lots of patterns, each requiring a different SU).
# Create a new Service Assembly.
# Click *File > New > Service Assembly Project*.
|| Service Assembly || ||
| Name: | sa-Eip-AggregatorSplitter |
# Add the two EIP Service-Units you created, and confirm.
| Artifact ID: \\ | sa-Eip-AggregatorSplitter |
# Click *Next*.
# Check *su-EIP-EipSplitter-provide* and *su-EIP-EipAggregator-provide*.
# Click *Finish*.
# *Fast-export* the Service Assembly for Petals.
# Deploy Petals-SE-EIP in Petals ESB
# Deploy sa-Eip-AggregatorSplitter in Petals ESB.

*Other orchestration ways: BPEL, SCA, JSR181 or POJO. More info in this* *[Orchestration Whitepaper|]**.*