Petals Documentation

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You can access the documentation of the *latest released distribution* of Petals ESB [here|petalsesb41:Petals ESB 4.12] (version 4.12).
The top menu will help you to browse all the documentation spaces. You can download Petals ESB on its [web site|].
{panel:title=User Guides}
[!esb.png!|petalsesb412:Container User Guide]
[!components.png!|petalscomponents:Components User Guide]
[!cli.png!|petalscomponents:Petals CLI]
[!studio.png!|petalsstudio:Petals Studio]
[!maven.png!|petalscomponents:Maven Petals Plug-in]
[!ant.png!|petalsesb41:Container User Guide]

h3. The Petals Server   [!user_guide.png!|petalsesb412:Container User Guide]
* Petals ESB comes as a *stand-alone Java server*.
* This server is made up of several modules (service registry, routing, transporters...).