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h1. Logging in Petals ESB

Petals uses the logger provided by the JDK.
The logger configuration file, named, is located in $PETALS_HOME/*conf* folder.
TODO: Fix location with debian or rpm installer.

h2. Petals Logger Level

Petals define a specific level: MONIT.
The levels provided by Petals in descending order are:
* SEVERE (highest value)
* FINEST (lowest value)

The root logger level is WARNING. It means that all classes log only SEVERE and WARNING information.
By settings the parameter *{+}Petals.level{+}* to INFO, we defines that all petals services will log at INFO level and at all higher level. The logger *{+}Petals{+}* is the root logger for petals services.

h2. Petals handler

By default two handler are used: consoleHandler and FileHandler.
The console handler is use to disply log in the console output.
The parameter java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level define the level

h2. Petals formatter

h2. Configure Default Petals logger level

h2. Configure logg

Petals Level :

Petals define a custom log level : MONIT. When this le level activate many
This level logs

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