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h1. Introduction

To create a BPEL process to run in Petals, you can either [import a BPEL script|Running an external BPEL process in Petals ESB] or create a Petals BPEL project.

This is the second approach that is explained here.
Three creation modes are illustrated. They all show how to to start a BPEL project.
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h1. Getting started

In the menu, select *File > New > Service Unit Project*.
If you do not see it, go into *File > New > Other...* Then, select *Service Unit Project* under the *Petals* category.


A wizard opens, showing three drop-down lists.
In the *Use Case* list, select *Use a Petals technical service*.
In the *Petals Component* list, select *BPEL // petals-se-bpel*.
In the *Component Version* list, select the version of the Petals-SE-BPEL that you are using in Petals.


In the scope of this page, we will use the version 1.0 of the component.
Click *Next*. The next page gives you the choice between 3 creation ways.

h1. Creating a new empty BPEL process

On the next page, select *Create a new BPEL process*.


Click *Next*.

The next page expects the project name.
The process name will be extracted from it.


Click *Finish*.

The project is created.
It contains a basic BPEL process...


... with a WSDL definition and an Artifacts WSDL.


h1. Starting from an existing BPEL

On the next page, select *Import an existing BPEL process*.
Indicate the BPEL URL, or use the *Browse...* button to select the BPEL file on the local disk.


Click *Next*.

The next page expects the project name.
By default, it is created from the name of the imported process.


Click *Finish*.

The project is created.
It contains the imported BPEL process...


... with its resources.


h1. Generating a BPEL from a WSDL definition

On the next page, select *Generate a BPEL skeleton from a BPEL file*.
Indicate the WSDL URL, or use the *Browse...* button to select the WSDL file on the local disk.
Once this is done, you can select the _Port Type_ that will be used as describing the BPEL service.


Click *Next*.

The next page expects the project name.
This name will also act as the process name.
By default, it is generated from the WSDL name.


Click *Finish*.

The project is created.
It contains a BPEL process that was generated from the WSDL definition...


The process on this last picture may seem unusual.
In fact, the WSDL definition contains a lot of operations.
To make it readable, the BPEL designer switched to the horizontal layout.

... with the imported WSDL definition and an Artifacts WSDL.
