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h1. Introduction

Petals Studio being based on Eclipse, it reuses the notion of perspective.
An Eclipse perspective defines the way the workbench (the studio's user interface) is organized.
When you launch the studio for the first time, the Petals perspective is the default one.

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There are other available perspectives in the studio.
Among them, we can mention the *Debug* and the *Java* perspectives.

To open a perspective, click *Window > Open perspective* and select a perspective.
Once open, it is possible to customize it, to close it, to reset it or to switch the main perspective.
This is achieved by using the perspective bar, in the right top corner.


The Petals perspective is an Eclipse perspective, as many others.
It was created because it provides useful shortcuts and views when working with Petals.

h1. Organization

The Petals perspective is divided into 5 parts:
* The top part contains the menus.
* The superior left part contains two views: the *Petals Projects* view and the (Java) *Package Explorer*.
* The inferior left part contains 2 views: the *Outline* view and the *Petals Services* view.
* The bottom right part contains several views, including the *Properties* view, the *Error log*, the *Ant* view and many more...

This perspective also defines shortcuts to wizards...


... shortcuts to views...


... and shortcuts to other perspectives.
