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h1. Installing petals-cli

Make sure you have downloaded
Unzip it wherever you want to install it.



h1. Starting petals-cli

h2. Linux / MacOS X

*Command line to start petals-cli*

# Go to {{petals-cli-1.x/bin}}
# Execute the following command:
# Done :-)

h2. Windows

*Command line to start Petals ESB*

# Go to {{petals-cli-1.x/bin}}
# Execute the following command:
# Done :-)

h1. List of all available commands to run with or petals-cli.bat

- *\-d,--debug*: Print stack trace and debugging informations
- *\-H,--help*: Print this help message and exit
- *\-h,--host <arg>*: remote petals ESB host name
- *\-n,--port <arg>*: port number
- *\-p,--password <arg>*: password
- *\-s,--script*: Read commands from standard input
- *\-u,--user <arg>*: username
- *\-V,--version*: Print the version number and exit

h1. List of all available interactive commands in petals-cli console\\

When launched petals-cli, it offers the following commands :
- *deploy*: Deploy and start a JBI artifact in petals container.
- *exit*: Exit this shell.
- *help*: Display this help message or help for a specific command.
- *listartefacts*: List JBI artifacts name and current status.
- *listregistry*: List the entries of the registry.
- *load*: Load properties from files.
- *print*: Print a message.
- *pwd*: Print the working directory.
- *set*: Assign a value to the system property named key.
- *show*: Print informations about a JBI artifact.
- *shutdown*: Shutdown the container.
- *stop*: Stop the container.
- *undeploy*: Stop and uninstall or undeploy JBI artifacts.
- *version*: Print version informations about petals container.