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h1. Installing Petals ESB using the Debian packages

Several Debian packages are available:
|| Package || Description || Depends on || Reauired for a production use ||
| {{petals-esb}} | The base package of Petals ESB to run a minimalist container | {{java2-runtime}} | required |
| {{petals-esb-autoloader}} | The extension "Petals ESB Autoloader" | {{petals-esb}} | not recommended |
| {{petals-esb-artfifact-repository}} | The extension "Petals ESB artfifact repository" | {{petals-esb}} | optional |

+Note:+ The Petals ESB Autoloader is not recommended in production mode because of security reasons.

h1. Content of the packages

h2. Content of the package "{{petals-esb}}"

The ZIP archive contains:
* a directory {{bin}} that contains the startup script and launcher of Petals ESB,
* a directory {{lib}} where all libraries required by the core of Petals ESB are put,
* a directory {{conf}} containing the *default* configuration of the Petals container,
* a directory {{data}} that is the root directory of the data area required by The *default* container:
** the sub-directory {{repository}} is the *default* storage area of the internal repository containing installed/deployed artefacts,
** the sub-directory {{work}} used as internal working area of the *default* container,

* a directory {{logs}} that is the directory in which log files of the *default* container will be written.

h2. Content of the package "{{petals-esb-autoloader}}"

** the sub-directory {{install}}: the directory scanned by the auto-loader of the *default* container to install/deploy artfifact,
** the sub-directory {{installed}}: the directory scanned by the auto-loader of the *default* container to uninstall/undeploy artfifact,

h2. Content of the package "{{petals-esb-artfifact-repository}}"
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