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The container configuration is located into the file {{}} and expressed as property (key/value):
|| Parameter/Property name || Default value || Description ||
| {{}} | \- | Name of the container. *MUST* match a container name defined in the topology |
| {{petals.classloaders.isolated}} | {{true}} | If {{true}}, the classloaders of JBI components are fully isolated, ie. they have the system classloader parent instead of the container classloader. If {{false}}, the container classloader is the parent of the classloaders of JBI components |

Other parameters associated to Petals ESB extensions can be found in the file {{}}:
|| Property name pattern || Extension ||
| {{petals.autoloader.*}} | [Petals ESB "Autoloader"] |
| {color:red}{{petals.artifact...}} | [Petals ESB "Artifact repository"] |