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h1. Introduction

The following diagrams aim to describe the composition of the Fractal components of Petals ESB.

By naming convention, if not specified, the default name of the interface 'server' is "{{service}}".
To have readable diagrams, some interface links are not drawn:
* the links between the interfaces "{{server}}" of a composite and the interfaces "{{server}}" of its internal components,
* the links between the interfaces "{{client}}" of internal components of a composite and the interfaces "{{client}}" of the composite.
Into a composition, only links between internal components are drawn.

The following diagrams are exported as JPEG image from the slides contained in [Fractal-Diagrams.odp]. The export is done with following parameters:
* width: 27.99 cm,
* height: 21.01 cm,
* resolution: 37 pixel/cm
* color: 24bits,
* quality: 100%

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h1. Diagrams

h2. Petals Composite


h2. Container Composite

A component {{SharedLibraryLifeCycleImpl}} is intantiated each time a JBI shared library is installed into the JBI container. It is dynamically created.
A component {{ComponentLifeCycleImpl}} and {{Installer}} is intantiated each time a JBI component is installed into the JBI container. It is dynamically created.
A component {{ServiceAssemblyLifeCycleImpl}} is intantiated each time a JBI service assembly is deployed into the JBI container. It is dynamically created.


h2. JBI Management Composite


h2. JBI Messaging Composite


h2. Communication Composite


h2. Transporter Composite
