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h1. Introduction

The Petals ESB "Autoloader" is an extension providing (un)installation/(un)deployment service copying or removing files from the filesystem.

To install/deploy a JBI artifact, just copy the JBI archive into the installation/deployment directory, and remove the file a JBI archive from the uninstallation/undeployment directory to uninstall/undeploy it.

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h1. Installation of the extension

This extension is embedded into the ZIP archive and automatically install when installing Petals ESB using this archive.

This extension is also available as a Debian package, see "[Installing Petals ESB using the Debian packages]" to install the package "{{petals-esb-autoloader}}".

h1. Using the Petals ESB Autoloader

h2. Installling/Deploying with the Petals ESB Autoloader

To install/deploy a JBI artifact, just put its associated archive in the installation/deployment directory (identified by the property {{petals.autoloader.path.install}}. It will be automatically installed/deployed after a delay lower than the value of {{petals.autoloader.scan.period}}, and moved in the uninstallation/undeployment directory.

+Note 1:+ If a JBI artifact is installed/deployed by another process, using the JMX API for example, the autoloader is notified and the associated JBI archive is put in the uninstallation/undeployment directory, so it will be possible to use the Petals ESB autoloader to uninstall/undeploy the JBI artifact.

h2. Uninstallling/Undeploying with the Petals ESB Autoloader

To uninstall/undeploy a JBI artifact, just remove its associated archive from the uninstallation/undeployment directory (identified by the property {{petals.autoloader.path.installed}}. It will be automatically uninstalled/undeployed after a delay lower than the value of {{petals.autoloader.scan.period}}.
If a JBI artifact is uninstalled/undeployed through the Petals ESB autoloader and has another JBI artifacts depending on it, they will be automatically uninstalled/undeployed.

+Note 2:+ If a JBI artifact is uninstalled/undeployed by another process, using the JMX API for example, the autoloader is notified and the associated JBI archive is automatically removed from the uninstallation/undeployment directory, without trigering another uninstallation/undeployment ;).

h1. Configuration

Configuration parameters of the Petals ESB Autoloader are available into the container local configuration (ie. into the file {{}}:
|| Parameter/Property name || Default value || Description ||
| {{petals.autoloader}} | {{true}} | Flag enabling/disabling the autoloader |
| {{petals.autoloader.scan.period}} | {{4000}} | Delay, in milliseconds, between two directory scans |
| {{petals.autoloader.path.install}} | {{${}/install}} | Directory to install/deploy JBI artifacts |
| {{petals.autoloader.path.installed}} | {{${}/installed}} | Directory to uninstall/undeploy JBI artifacts |