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h1. Preparing the environment

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h1. Installing the container

The installation of Petals ESB depends on your operating system. The following table resumes which archives is needed according to your operating system. Petals ESB archives are available on the Petals's web-site: [].
|| Operating System || OS Version || Petals archive to use || Installation procedure ||
| Debian-based Linux | all | Debian packages | [Installing Petals ESB using the Debian packages]|
| Linux | all | ZIP archive | [Installing Petals ESB using the ZIP archive] |
| Microsoft Windows | all | ZIP archive | [Installing Petals ESB using the ZIP archive] |
| Mac OS | all | ZIP archive | [Installing Petals ESB using the ZIP archive] |

+Note:+ The ZIP archive can be used on Debian-based systems. In this case, Petals ESB should be installed as a user software without integration with the operating system.