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h1. Installing Petals ESB CLI using the Debian packages

Nowadays, no public repository exists containing the Debian packages of Petals ESB CLI. So to install yours, you must download them, next install them with your favorite Debian tools (synaptic, apt, dpkg).

Several Debian packages are available:
|| Package || Description || Depends on || Required for a production use ||
| {{petals-commons}} | The base package for all Petals products | {{base-files}} | required |
| {{petals-cli}} | The base package of Petals ESB CLI | {{java11-sdk-headless}}, {{base-files}}, {{petals-commons}} | required |
| {{petals-cli-bc-sftp}} | The extension "Petals BC SFTP tooling pack" | {{petals-cli}} | recommended only if the BC SFTP is deployed on your Petals topology |
| {{petalc-cli-cmd-monitoring}} | The extension "Monitoring" | {{petals-cli}} | required by {{petalc-cli-cmd-monitoring-mo-cacti}} and {{petalc-cli-cmd-monitoring-so-nagios}} |
| {{petalc-cli-cmd-monitoring-mo-cacti}} | The extension "Monitoring for Cacti" | {{petalc-cli-cmd-monitoring}} | required to monitor Petals with Cacti |
| {{petalc-cli-cmd-monitoring-so-nagios}} | The extension "Monitoring for Nagios" | {{petalc-cli-cmd-monitoring}} | required to monitor Petals with Nagios |

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h1. Content of the packages

h2. Content of the package "{{petals-cli}}"

This package arrives with following directories and files:
* {{/usr/bin/petals-cli}}: The script used to start Petals ESB CLI,
* {{/usr/bin/}}: A link to {{/usr/bin/petals-cli}}, for compatibility with previous versions,
* {{/etc/petals-cli/petals-cli.default}}: The default preferences of Petals ESB CLI,
* {{/usr/share/petals-cli}}: Directory containing all Java libraries required by Petals ESB CLI,
* {{/usr/share/petals-cli/extensions}}: Directory containing all extensions of Petals ESB CLI,
* {{/usr/share/petals-cli/licenses}}: Directory containing license files.

h2. Content of the package "{{petals-cli-bc-sftp}}"

This package provides only new extension JAR files put in the directory {{/usr/share/petals-cli/extensions}}.

h2. Content of the package "{{petalc-cli-cmd-monitoring}}"

This package provides only new extension JAR files put in the directory {{/usr/share/petals-cli/extensions}}.

h2. Content of the package "{{petalc-cli-cmd-monitoring-mo-cacti}}"

This package provides only new extension JAR files put in the directory {{/usr/share/petals-cli/extensions}}.

h2. Content of the package "{{petalc-cli-cmd-monitoring-so-nagios}}"

This package arrives with following directories and files:
* {{/usr/bin/petals-cli-nagios}}: The script wrapping Petals ESB CLI and redirecting its output to the input channel of Nagios,
* {{/etc/petals-cli/}}: Nagios mapping rules,
* {{/etc/petals-cli/petals-cli-nagios}}: Environment configuration file,
* {{/etc/petals-cli/nagios-subscriptions-available}}: A directory containing the declared defect subscriptions:
** {{nagios-subscription-template}}: A defect subscription declaration sample,
* {{/etc/petals-cli/nagios-subscriptions-enable}}: A directory containing links to {{/etc/petals-cli/nagios-subscriptions-available}}. All defect subscriptions linked into this directory will be automatically started on machine startup,
* {{/etc/init.d/petals-cli-nagios}}: Automatic startup/stop script of the daemon {{petals-cli-nagios}} for all declared defects,
* {{/usr/share/petals-cli/extensions}}: new extension JAR files.

h2. Security

The default preference file ({{/etc/petals-cli/petals-cli.default}}) is protected by default because it can contain password or other critical information. Only users that are member of group '{{petals}}' can read it. Just add the users that need to read this preference file into the group '{{petals}}.

If you prefer, you can also set your own goup to this preference file.