h1. Introduction
Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry client is the default registry implementation for distributed topology, based on the [Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry|Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry user guide]
h1. Configuration
h2. Topology parameters
The configuration parameters of the Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry client that must be shared by all containers of the domain are available in the [topology definition|Topology Configuration]:
<tns:domain name="Domain" mode="static" xmlns:tns="http://petals.ow2.org/topology">
<registry:configuration xmlns:registry="http://petals.ow2.org/petals-registry-overlay-client/configuration">
<registry:overlay-member port="7901">localhost</registry:overlay-member>
|| Parameter name || Default value || Description ||
| {{configuration/group-name}} | - | Group name of the cluster. Must be unique for this domain. |
| {{configuration/group-password}} | - | Password used to secure access to the group. |
| {{configuration/overlay-members}} | - | List of the cluster members that the containers member of the current domain can join. |
| {{configuration/overlay-members/overlay-member}} | - | Host name of the cluster member. |
| {{configuration/overlay-members/overlay-member@port}} | {{7901}} | Listening port of the cluster member. |
where the namespace of parameters is: {{http://petals.ow2.org/petals-registry-overlay-client/configuration}}.
h2. Runtime configuration parameters
Some configuration parameters of the Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry client are available into the container local configuration (ie. into the file {{server.properties}}):
|| Parameter/Property name || Default value || Description ||
| {{org.ow2.petals.microkernel.registry.overlay.RegistryOverlayImpl.map-cache.max-size}} | {{500}} | Max size, in endpoint number, of the cache associated to each map of the Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry client. |
h2. Logging configuration parameters
The Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry uses the following loggers to trace its execution:
* *{{Petals.System.Registry}}*: associated to the Petals ESB internal component associated to the Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry client,
* *{{com.hazelcast}}*: the low-level client part based on Hazelcast stack.
As the Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry client is provided as default into the ZIP and Debian archives of Petals ESB, its logging configuration is already configured as following:
Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry client is the default registry implementation for distributed topology, based on the [Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry|Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry user guide]
h1. Configuration
h2. Topology parameters
The configuration parameters of the Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry client that must be shared by all containers of the domain are available in the [topology definition|Topology Configuration]:
<tns:domain name="Domain" mode="static" xmlns:tns="http://petals.ow2.org/topology">
<registry:configuration xmlns:registry="http://petals.ow2.org/petals-registry-overlay-client/configuration">
<registry:overlay-member port="7901">localhost</registry:overlay-member>
|| Parameter name || Default value || Description ||
| {{configuration/group-name}} | - | Group name of the cluster. Must be unique for this domain. |
| {{configuration/group-password}} | - | Password used to secure access to the group. |
| {{configuration/overlay-members}} | - | List of the cluster members that the containers member of the current domain can join. |
| {{configuration/overlay-members/overlay-member}} | - | Host name of the cluster member. |
| {{configuration/overlay-members/overlay-member@port}} | {{7901}} | Listening port of the cluster member. |
where the namespace of parameters is: {{http://petals.ow2.org/petals-registry-overlay-client/configuration}}.
h2. Runtime configuration parameters
Some configuration parameters of the Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry client are available into the container local configuration (ie. into the file {{server.properties}}):
|| Parameter/Property name || Default value || Description ||
| {{org.ow2.petals.microkernel.registry.overlay.RegistryOverlayImpl.map-cache.max-size}} | {{500}} | Max size, in endpoint number, of the cache associated to each map of the Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry client. |
h2. Logging configuration parameters
The Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry uses the following loggers to trace its execution:
* *{{Petals.System.Registry}}*: associated to the Petals ESB internal component associated to the Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry client,
* *{{com.hazelcast}}*: the low-level client part based on Hazelcast stack.
As the Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry client is provided as default into the ZIP and Debian archives of Petals ESB, its logging configuration is already configured as following: