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h2. Install binaries

# Make sure you have installed *Java 1.6* on your system (we currently support both [Oracle JDK|] and [OpenJDK|] Java Virtual Machines).
# If you have more than one JDK available, set the environment variable JAVA_HOME with the path of the JDK you want to use with Petals ESB.
# *Unzip* the lastest version of Petals ESB.
# On POSIX systems, set the [execute bit|] on _bin/petals-esb.sh_ and _bin/petals-cli.sh_

h2. Start Petals ESB

* On Windows, double-click on _bin\petals-esb.bat_
* On POSIX systems, run _bin/petals-esb.sh_ in a terminal

h2. Deploy a JBI component

Petals (JBI) components are available on [Petals' website|].

If you want to deploy the XSLT service engine, type in the following line in your terminal:
$ petals-cli deploy
Component 'petals-se-xslt' installed
Component 'petals-se-xslt' started
In the same time, these lines should be written at the end of the file _logs/petals.log_

2011-01-25 10:31:25,337 INFO [Petals.JBI-Management.InstallationServiceImpl] Installer of the component 'petals-se-xslt' loaded
2011-01-25 10:31:25,347 INFO [Petals.Container.Components.petals-se-xslt.bootstrap.petals-se-xslt] Install component [Name : petals-se-xslt, Version : 2.4.1]
2011-01-25 10:31:27,201 INFO [Petals.Container.Installer.petals-se-xslt] Component 'petals-se-xslt' installed
2011-01-25 10:31:27,206 INFO [Petals.Container.Components.petals-se-xslt] Init component...
2011-01-25 10:31:29,194 INFO [Petals.Container.Components.petals-se-xslt] Component initialized
2011-01-25 10:31:29,201 INFO [Petals.Container.Components.petals-se-xslt] Start component...
2011-01-25 10:31:29,363 INFO [Petals.Container.Components.petals-se-xslt] Storage Service is now running to process persisted notifications
2011-01-25 10:31:29,370 INFO [Petals.Container.Components.petals-se-xslt] Component started
2011-01-25 10:31:29,374 INFO [Petals.JBI-Management.InstallationServiceImpl] Component 'petals-se-xslt' started

h2. Stop Petals ESB

* Type *Ctrl+c* in the terminal.
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