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h1. Introduction

Some automatic tests, as integration tests, can require external resources. [Junit|] provides a mechanism to simplify the management of these external resources in an automatic test context: [Rules|].

The Petals JUnit Framework comes with several external resources ready to use:
* a Web server,
* a FTP server.

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h1. A Web server as external resource

The {{WebServer}} rule allows creation of files and folders that are guaranteed to be deleted when the test method finishes (whether it passes or fails):
public static class HasWebServer {
public WebServer webServer = new WebServer();

public void testUsingWebServer() throws IOException {

// ...
this.webServer.addServlet(servlet, servletPath);
// ...

h2. Creating the web-server

The creation of the web-server requires the HTTP port on which it will listen. The default listening port is '{{WebServer.DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT}'. You can use your own HTTP port using the right constructor:
// A web server listening on the default HTTP port
public WebServer webServer = new WebServer();

// A web server listening on your own HTTP port
public WebServer webServer = new WebServer(8080);

h2. Registering servlet

A web-server maps URLs on servlets. If your test requires a servlet, you can register a servlet through the API '{{WebServer.addServlet(httpServlet, path)}}', where '{{httpServlet}}' is your servlet to map on the URL path part '{path}}':
public static class HasWebServer {
public WebServer webServer = new WebServer();

public void testUsingWebServer() throws IOException {

// ...
this.webServer.addServlet(servlet, servletPath);
// ...

h3. Pre-defined servlets

Several servlets are provided into the Petals JUnit Framework:
* {{FileServlet}} that replies with the content of a file,
* {{TextServlet}} that replies with a plain-text content.

h4. Working with {{FileServlet}}

The reply of this servlet is the content of a file:

public static class HasWebServer {
public WebServer webServer = new WebServer();

public void testUsingWebServer() throws IOException {

// ...

final AbstractHttpServlet fileServlet = new FileServlet(localArtifact, MimeTypeConstants.APPLICATION_ZIP);
this.webServer.addServlet(servlet, servletPath);
// ...