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h1. Installing Petals ESB Registry using the ZIP archive

Once the Petals ESB Registry ZIP archive is downloaded, extract all files into a directory of your choice.
When files are extracted, Petals ESB Registry is ready to be run. Go to "[Configuring Petals ESB Registry]" to configure your own Petals ESB Registry node.

{warning}Don't use a directory containing space as Petals Registry home directory{warning}

h1. Uninstalling Petals ESB Registry

Removing the Petals Registry home directory will uninstalled Petals ESB Registry.

{warning}If needed, you must backup your configuration files before removing the directory.{warning}

h1. Upgrading Petals ESB Registry

Before to upgrade your Petals ESB Registry installation, you must stop all Petals ESB Registry nodes running from the installation to update. Next, just extract files of the new ZIP archives into your Petals Registry home directory. And restart your Petals ESB Registry nodes.

{info}If you have updated the sample configuration, it will be replaced by the new one. So don't forget to backup it if needed before to upgrade your Petals Registry installation.{info}

h1. Content of the ZIP archive

The ZIP archive contains:
* a directory {{bin}} that contains the startup script and launcher of Petals ESB Registry,
* a directory {{lib}} where all libraries required by the core of Petals ESB Registry are put,
* a directory {{conf}} containing the *default* configuration of the Petals ESB Registry node,
* a directory {{logs}} that is the directory in which log files of the *default* node will be written.