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h1. Installing Petals ESB using the ZIP archive

Once the Petals ESB ZIP archive is downloaded, extract all files into a directory of your choice.
When files are extracted, Petals ESB is ready to be run. Go to "[Configuring Petals ESB]" to configure your own Petals ESB container.

{warning}Don't use a directory containing space as Petals home directory{warning}

h1. Uninstalling Petals ESB

Removing the Petals home directory will uninstalled Petals ESB.

{warning}If needed, you must backup your configuration files before removing the directory.{warning}

h1. Upgrading Petals ESB

Before to upgrade your Petals ESB installation, you must stop all Petals ESB containers running from the installation to update. Next, just extract files of the new ZIP archives into your Petals home directory. And restart your Petals ESB containers.

{info}If you have updated the sample configuration, it will be replaced by the new one. So don't forget to backup it if needed before to upgrade your Petals installation.{info}

h1. Content of the ZIP archive

The following extensions are packaged into the ZIP archive:
* the auto-loader,
* the artifact repository,
* the embedded Petals Registry Overlay,
* the WS API.

The ZIP archive contains:
* a directory {{bin}} that contains the startup script and launcher of Petals ESB,
* a directory {{lib}} where all libraries required by the core of Petals ESB are put,
** the sub-directory {{implementations}} contains implementations of mutable components,
*** the sub-directory {{registry}} contains implementations of the mutable component 'Registry',
**** the sub-directory {{default}} contains the default implementation of the mutable component,
* a directory {{conf}} containing the *default* configuration of the Petals container,
* a directory {{extensions}} where all libraries required by extensions listed bellow are put,
* a directory {{data}} that is the root directory of the data area required by The *default* container:
** the sub-directory {{repository}} is the *default* storage area of the internal repository containing installed/deployed artifacts,
** the sub-directory {{work}} used as internal working area of the *default* container,
** the sub-directory {{install}}: the directory scanned by the auto-loader of the *default* container to install/deploy artifact,
** the sub-directory {{installed}}: the directory scanned by the auto-loader of the *default* container to uninstall/undeploy artifact,
** the sub-directory {{artifacts}}: the *default* root directory of the artifact repository, containing:
*** the sub-directory {{sl}} where JBI shared library archives are put,
*** the sub-directory {{components}} where JBI component archives are put,
*** the sub-directory {{sa}} where JBI service assembly archives are put,
* a directory {{logs}} that is the directory in which log files of the *default* container will be written.