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h1. Preamble

A development installation is an installation that is not suitable for production use.

We recommend to use the ZIP archive to install Petals ESB in a development mode because the user should be able to do following actions to be more productive:
* To (un)install/(un)deploy artefacts through the directories of the auto-loader.
* To patch a JBI component directly in the internal repository of Petals ESB without requiring an (un)installation (restart the Petals container is faster).
* To update service units directly in the internal repository of Petals ESB without requiring an (un)deployment (restart the Petals container is faster).

By default, Petals ESB is configured to work as a single node, on localhost (it cannot be managed from a remote machine through JMX).

h1. System Requirements

System requirements are less strict for development than for production.
In particular, in addition to the operating system that are mentioned in the [production requirements|Production Requirements], the following ones can be used:
* Windows (XP, Vista, 7).
* Mac OS X.

Notice that Java 7 has not been tested with Petals ESB.

h1. Hardware Requirements

For testing and development purpose:
* 2 GHz\+ CPU or equivalent
* 1 GB of RAM for Petals
* 100 Mbits/s network interface
* 500 MB of disk for Petals

h1. Installation

As explained above, by default Petals ESB requires almost no configuration.
Follow the procedure to [install Petals ESB from a ZIP archive|Installing Petals ESB using the ZIP archive].
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