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h1. Eclipse configuration for Petals source code

h2. Use the right source code formatter for Java files

You can define it by following these steps :
* go to *Window \-> Preferences*, then select *Java \-> Code Style \-> Formatter*:

* click on "*Import*", and select the file "eclipse_formatter.xml" from the svn repository : [|]
* click on "*Apply*" to save.

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h2. Use the right source code formatter for XML files

Configure your XML formatter as following:
* go to *Window \-> Preferences*, then select *XML \-> XML Files \-> Editor*,
* apply the following configuration:

h2. Use the right source code formatter for Apache Ant files

Configure your XML formatter as following:
* go to *Window \-> Preferences*, then select *Ant \-> Editor \-> Formatter*,
* apply the following configuration:

* click on "*Apply*" to save.

h2. Set the right save actions

Configure your *Save actions* as following:
* go to *Window \-> Preferences*, then select *Java \-> Editor \-> Save Actions*,
* apply the following configuration:

* click on "*Apply*" to save.

h2. Set the right configuration to run JUnit tests

Configure your *JUnit preferences* as following:
* go to *Window \-> Preferences*, then select *Java \-> JUnit*,
* check the box *Add '-ea' to VM arguments when creating a new JUnit launch configuration*:

* click on "*Apply*" to save.

h2. Integrating the Petals SonarQube Server

Configure the Petals SonarQube Server as following:
* go to *Window \-> Preferences*, then select *SonarQube \-> Servers*,
* apply the following configuration:

To see Sonar violations into your Java editor, you must re-import your projects.