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h1. Introduction

Petals Cockpit is a web interface to administrate a set of Petals ESB topologies.

Petals Cockpit *1.0.0* works with Petals ESB **, but may also work in degraded mode with previous versions.
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h1. Installing Petals Cockpit

h2. Requirements

Petals Cockpit needs[Java SE Runtime Environment 8|] to run the backend.

For now, the supported browsers are Chrome and chromium variants. While not officially supported, the frontend application is highly compatible with Firefox.

h2. Installation from .zip file

# Get latest compiled version from [Petals Cockpit project page|]
# Unpack it and go into the directory
# Run Petals Cockpit script : 

$ ./

h2. Build/Run from docker

Installation details are on [repository main page|].