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h1. Introduction


The ZIP archive comes with elementary startup and stop mechanisms. No automatic startup is provided. It supports several Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry nodes with only one installation.

In this chapter, we consider that the Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry ZIP archive was extracted in the directory {{$PETALS_REGISTRY_HOME}}.

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h1. Starting Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry

To start the Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry node configured in {{$PETALS_REGISTRY_HOME}}/conf, go into the directory {{$PETALS_REGISTRY_HOME/bin}} and execute the following command from a command-line:
cdeneux@sph-latitude-D630:~/petals-registry/bin/ -c file://$PETALS_REGISTRY_HOME/conf/

Change the URL given with the argument {{-c}} to launch another Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry node.

Use the script {{petals-registry.bat}} instead of {{}} for Windows-based system.

h1. Stopping Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry

To stop a Petals ESB Hazelcast Registry node, just kill it with a Ctrl-C on its console, or use the following command from another shell:
cdeneux@sph-latitude-D630:~/petals-registry/bin/ -c file://$PETALS_REGISTRY_HOME/conf/ stop

Use the script {{petals-registry.bat}} instead of {{}} for Windows-based system.