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Interceptors can be defined to inject some post or pre-processing in the service provider processing or service consumer processing.

Using interceptor is very sensitive and must be manipulated only by power users. A non properly coded interceptor engaged in a component can lead to uncontrolled behaviors, out of the standard process.

Example of an interceptor configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jbi:jbi xmlns:jbi="" xmlns:petalsCDK="">
    <petalsCDK:interceptor name="myInterceptorName">
      <petalsCDK:param name="myParamName">myParamValue</petalsCDK:param>
      <petalsCDK:param name="myParamName2">myParamValue2</petalsCDK:param>
    <petalsCDK:interceptor name="myInterceptorName">
      <petalsCDK:param name="myParamName">myParamValue</petalsCDK:param>
    <petalsCDK:Interceptor name="myInterceptorName">
      <petalsCDK:param name="myParamName">myParamValue</petalsCDK:param>
    <petalsCDK:Interceptor name="myInterceptorName">
       <petalsCDK:param name="myParamName">myParamValue</petalsCDK:param>

*Interceptors configuration for SU (CDK)*


|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| send | Interceptor dedicated to send phase, for an exchange sent by a consumer | \- | No |
| accept | Interceptor dedicated to receive phase, for an exchange received by a provider | \- | No |
| send-response | Interceptor dedicated to send phase, for an exchange (a response) received by a consumer | \- | No |
| accept-response | Interceptor dedicated to receive phase, for an exchange sent (a response) by a provider | \- | No |
| interceptor - name | Logical name of the interceptor instance defined at component level, see CDK Component Interceptor configuration. | \- | Yes |
| param\[\] - name | The name of the parameter to use for the interceptor for this SU | \- | No |
| param\[\] | The value of the parameter to use for the interceptor for this SU | \- | No |