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{warning}This version must be installed on [Petals ESB 5.4.0|petalsesb540:Petals ESB 5.4.0]+{warning}

{warning}Previous service units are no more compliant with this component version and must be migrated. See [Migrating service units developed for previous versions|#migrationguide]{warning}



{panel:title=Table of contents}{toc:outline=true}{panel}

h1. Introduction

This version of the component provides the following transformation engines:
* XSL transformation based on Saxon HE 9.7.0-11.

h1. Creating a service-unit

A service-unit associated to a service 'Facade' contains:
* the service provider 'Facade' configuration located in the service unit JBI descriptor as provider section, with:
** the WSDL of your service, the one implemented by the service 'Facade',
** WSDL annotations defining:
*** the transformations to apply,
*** the operation of the 3PP service provider to invoke,
* the 3PP service provider to invoke, defined in the service-unit JBI descriptor as consumer section.

- jbi.xml (as defined above)
- service.wsdl (recommended)
- request.xsl
- response.xsl

h2. Creating the service contract

Write your WSDL according to your needs. No requirement about the WSDL is expected.

A best practice is to explode your WSDL in two parts:
* an abstract part containing data definition (XSD) and the service interface (port type),
* a concrete part containing the binding of the port type, and the service definition.

h2. Annotating the WSDL

Annotations take place in each operation of the binding definition:
<binding name="FactureServicePortBinding" type="tns:FactureService">
<soap:binding transport="" style="document" />
<operation name="stocker">
<soap:operation soapAction="" />
<mapping:input-transformation xsl="input-stocker.xsl" />
<mapping:output-transformation xsl="output-stocker.xsl">
<mapping:should-return-fault as-xpath-expr="true">false()</mapping:should-return-fault>
<soap:body use="literal" />
<soap:body use="literal" />

All annotations are member of the namespace "{{}}":
* {{service-provider-operation}} defines the qualified name of the 3PP service provider operation to invoke when the current operation is invoked,
* {{input-transformation}} defines the transformation to apply on incoming requests on the current operation,
* {{output-transformation}} defines the transformation to apply on response for the current operation,

h3. Defining input transformations

The input transformation is defined by the annotation '{{input-transformation}}'.

Now, only XSL transformations are available.

h4. Defining an XSL input transformation

To define an input transformation as an XSL transformation, just define the XSL style-sheet to use by the attribute '{{xsl}}' of the annotation '{{input-transformation}}'. The XSL style-sheet is provided as a file located in the root directory of the service unit.

<binding name="FactureServicePortBinding" type="tns:FactureService">
<operation name="stocker">
<mapping:input-transformation xsl="input-stocker.xsl" />

A property defined at component level (through the component configuration parameter '{{properties-file}}' can be accessed into the XSL through a global XSL parameter defined by the qualified name: '{{<property-name>}}' of namespace '{{}}'.

{tip}For a unit test purpose, an extension of JUnit is available to test your XSL. See chapter "[Unit testing|#Unit_Testing]".{tip}

h3. Defining output transformations

The output transformation is defined by the annotation '{{output-transformation}}'.

The result of the transformation can be returned to the service consumer as a normal response or as a fault according to the result of the expression defined by the sub-annotation '{{should-return-fault}}'. If the expression returns '{{true}}', a fault will be returned to the service consumer, otherwise a normal response will be returned:
<binding name="FactureServicePortBinding" type="tns:FactureService">
<operation name="stocker">
<mapping:output-transformation xsl="output-stocker.xsl">
<mapping:should-return-fault as-xpath-expr="true">false()</mapping:should-return-fault>

Now, only XSL transformations and XPath expression are available.

h4. Defining an XSL output transformation

To define an output transformation as an XSL transformation, just define the XSL style-sheet to use by the attribute '{{xsl}}' of the annotation '{{output-transformation}}'. The XSL style-sheet is provided as a file located in the root directory of the service unit.

<binding name="FactureServicePortBinding" type="tns:FactureService">
<operation name="stocker">
<mapping:output-transformation xsl="output-stocker.xsl">

The incoming request can be accessed into the XSL through a global XSL parameter defined by the qualified name: '{{incoming-request}}' of namespace '{{}}'.

A property defined at component level (through the component configuration parameter '{{properties-file}}' can be accessed into the XSL through a global XSL parameter defined by the qualified name: '{{<property-name>}}' of namespace '{{}}'.

{tip}For a unit test purpose, an extension of JUnit is available to test your XSL. See chapter "[Unit testing|#Unit_Testing]".{tip}

h4. Selecting response nature through XPath

The expression to select the response nature to return (fault or normal response) can be expressed as an XPath expression using the attribute '{{as-xpath-expr}}' set to '{{true}}', and giving the XPath expression as value of the annotation '{{should-return-fault}}':
<mapping:output-transformation xsl="output-stocker.xsl">
<mapping:should-return-fault as-xpath-expr="true">false()</mapping:should-return-fault>

{tip}For a unit test purpose, an extension of JUnit is available to verify your XPath expression syntax when checking your WSDL. See chapter "[Unit testing|#Unit_Testing]".{tip}

h2. Service provider configuration

All needed information must be defined in the service-unit JBI descriptor. This JBI descriptor is configured through parameters divided in following groups:
* *JBI parameters* that defines the service provider identification,
* *CDK parameters* that are parameters driving the service provider implementation at CDK layer,
* *CDK interceptor parameters* that are parameters driving interceptors at CDK layer,
* *Dedicated parameters* that are parameters driving the service provider implementation at component layer.

h3. Placeholder

{include:0 CDK Placeholder 5.9.0}

h3. CDK parameters defining service provider implementation
The following parameters correspond to the CDK configuration of the service provider implementation.

{include:0 CDK SU Provide Configuration 5.9.0}

h3. CDK parameters driving interceptors
The following parameters drive interceptors at CDK layer.

{include:0 CDK SU Interceptor configuration 5.9.0}

h3. Dedicated configuration

No specific configuration exists.

h2. Defining the 3PP service provider

The 3PP service provider is defined in the service unit JBI descriptor as a service consumer:
<jbi:consumes interface-name="ged:GedService" service-name="ged:GedService">

All needed information must be defined in the service-unit JBI descriptor. This JBI descriptor is configured through parameters divided in following groups:
* *JBI parameters* that defines the service provider identification,
* *CDK parameters* that are parameters driving the service provider implementation at CDK layer,
* *CDK interceptor parameters* that are parameters driving interceptors at CDK layer,
* *Dedicated parameters* that are parameters driving the service provider implementation at component layer.

h3. CDK parameters defining service consumer implementation
The following parameters correspond to the CDK configuration of the service provider implementation.

{include:0 CDK SU SE Consume Configuration 5.9.0}

h3. CDK parameters driving interceptors
The following parameters drive interceptors at CDK layer.

{include:0 CDK SU Interceptor configuration 5.9.0}

h3. Dedicated configuration

Following parameters have specific processing:
* {{mep}}, is not used because we reuse the one of the incoming exchange,
* {{operation}}, is not used. As we can have a service 'Facade' providing several operations, it was needed to define the WSDL annotation '{{service-provider-operation}}'. A warning will appear in log traces if this field is set.

h2. Example

An example of a Service Unit descriptor to provide a mapping service:
<jbi:jbi version="1.0"

<jbi:services binding-component="false">




<!-- The service invoked -->

h1. Configuring the component

The component can be configured through the parameters of its JBI descriptor file. These parameters are divided in following groups:
* *JBI parameters* that have not to be changed otherwise the component will not work,
* *CDK parameters* that are parameters driving the processing of the CDK layer,
* *Dedicated parameters* that are parameters specific to this component.

h2. CDK parameters
The component configuration includes the configuration of the CDK. The following parameters correspond to the CDK configuration.

{include:0 CDK Component Configuration Table 5.9.0}

h2. Interception configuration
{include:0 CDK Component Interceptor configuration 5.9.0}

h2. Dedicated configuration

No dedicated configuration parameter is available.

h1. Monitoring the component

h2. Using metrics

Several probes providing metrics are included in the component, and are available through the JMX MBean '{{org.ow2.petals:type=custom,name=monitoring_*<component-id>*}}', where {{*<component-id>*}} is the unique JBI identifier of the component.

h3. Common metrics

{include:0 CDK Component Monitoring Metrics 5.9.0}

h3. Dedicated metrics

No dedicated metric is available.

h2. Receiving alerts

Several alerts are notified by the component through notification of the JMX MBean '{{org.ow2.petals:type=custom,name=monitoring_*<component-id>*}}', where {{*<component-id>*}} is the unique JBI identifier of the component.

{tip}To integrate these alerts with Nagios, see [petalsesbsnapshot:Receiving Petals ESB defects in Nagios].{tip}

h3. Common alerts

{include:0 CDK Component Monitoring Alerts 5.9.0}

h3. Dedicated alerts

No dedicated alert is available.

h1. Business monitoring

h2. MONIT traces

{include:0 CDK SE Business Monitoring Traces 5.9.0}

h2. Flow tracing activation

{include:0 CDK SE Business Monitoring Flow Tracing Activation 5.9.0}

h2. Flow tracing propagation

{include:0 CDK SE Business Monitoring Flow Tracing Propagation 5.9.0}

h1. Unit testing

The unit testing can occur at several levels in your Mapping service unit:
* to check the annotation compliance of the WSDL with the attendees of the component,
* to unit test your XSL transformations.

A dedicated framework is available as an extension of JUnit providing facilities:
* to validate your WSDL:
** in a WSDL point of view,
** checking the compliance of the WSDL with the attendees of the component,
** checking syntax of the XPath expressions,
* to verify easily the XSL style-sheets.

This dedicated framework is provided by the Maven artifact {{org.ow2.petals:petals-se-mapping-junit}}:

See the [Compatibility Matrix|petalsesb:Compatibility Matrix] to known the version of the SE Mapping Junit framework compliant with your version of the SE Mapping.

h2. Checking the compliance of the WSDL

The unit test framework contains an assertion '{{assertWsdlCompliance}}' to verify easily the compliance of your WSDL with the attendees of the mode 'service':
import static;

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

public class WsdlComplianceTest {

private static final String TARGET_NAMESPACE = "";

public void validate() throws Exception {
new QName[] { new QName(TARGET_NAMESPACE, "stocker"), new QName(TARGET_NAMESPACE, "consulter") });


See the Javadoc for more details on parameters.

h2. Unit-testing your XSLs

The unit test framework contains an assertion '{{assertXslTransformation}}' to verify easily the result of your XSL transformations:
import static;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

public class XslTest {

private static final String XML_DIR = "xml-to-transform/";
private static final String XML_RESULT_DIR = "xml-result/";
private static final String INPUT_CONSULTER_DIR = "input-consulter/";
private static final String XSL_INPUT_CONSULTER = "input-consulter.xsl";

public void inputConsulter_Nominal() throws IOException, TransformerException, SAXException {
assertXslTransformation(INPUT_CONSULTER_RESULT_DIR + "nominal.xml", INPUT_CONSULTER_XML_DIR + "nominal.xml",

See the Javadoc for more details on parameters.

h1. Migration guide

h2. Migrating service units developed for previous versions

To be deployed on this version of the Petals SE Mapping, the Petals SE Mapping service units must be migrated. Please follow the following chapters to know which changes must be applied.

h3. From 1.2.x to 1.3.x

Please apply the following changes in your Petals SE Mapping service unit to migrate them from Petals SE Mapping 1.2.x to Petals SE Mapping 1.3.x:
* in your unit tests:
** JUnit 5 is now required for your unit tests,
** move Java EE package to Jakarta EE 9+ package:
*** {{javax.activation}} -> {{jakarta.activation}}
*** {{javax.mail}} -> {{jakarta.mail}}
*** {{javax.xml.bind}} -> {{jakarta.xml.bind}}
*** ...
** to generate your beans from an XSD or WSDL definition, use the Maven plugin '{{org.patrodyne.jvnet:hisrc-higherjaxb-maven-plugin}}' instead of '{{org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2:maven-jaxb2-plugin}}'.

h3. From 1.1.x to 1.2.x

Please apply the following changes in your Petals SE Mapping service unit to migrate them from Petals SE Mapping 1.2.x to Petals SE Mapping 1.3.x:
* in your unit tests:
** Placeholders are no more defined through {{Properties}} but through {{Placeholders}}.