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h1. Introduction

Two ZIP archives are available to install Petals CLI:
* {{petals-registry-cli}}, it's the *basic* ZIP archive containing basic commands,
* {{petals-registry-cli-zip}}, it's the *full* ZIP archive, containing basic commands and all available extensions.

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h1. Installing Petals Registry CLI using the ZIP archive

Once the Petals Registry CLI ZIP archive is downloaded, extract all files into a directory of your choice.
When files are extracted, Petals Registry CLI is ready to be run.

h1. ZIP archives content

h2. Content of the basic ZIP archive

The *basic* ZIP archive contains:
* a directory {{bin}} that contains the script launching Petals Registry CLI,
* a directory {{lib}} where all libraries required by Petals Regsitry CLI are put,
* a directory {{conf}} containing the *default* configuration of the Petals Registry CLI,
* an empty directory {{extensions}} where to put Petals Registry CLI extensions,

h2. Content of the full ZIP archive

In addition to the content of the *basic* ZIP archive, the *full* ZIP archive contains the following extensions:
* no extension is available now.