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{panel:title=Last tested with}
* Petals ESB 3.1
* Petals Studio 1.1.0
* Petals SE RMI 1.1.1
* Petals BC SOAP 4.0.2
* Petals Webconsole 2.0.3
* Tomcat 6.0.29
* JDK 6 update 20
* Petals SE Jsr181 1.1.2

*Added in this tutorial :*
* Petals SE EIP 2.4.3


{info}This tutoriel is based on [this EIP complex usecase|petalsesb:Bufferize operations with EIP]

h2. Little bit of theory: EIP (Enterprise Integration Patterns) and XPath

Explanation of the Aggregator-Splitter Chain
Theory: Learn XPath basics (30min)

h2. Configure the Splitter

Configure EIP Splitter pattern (10min)

h2. Configure the Aggregator

Configure EIP Aggregator pattern (10min)

h2. Test the EIP chain

Assemble the 2 SU in one SA and deploy (5min)
Test the Chain Aggregator=>Splitter=>MathOperations (15min)

h2. More about orchestration

Theory: Look at other EIP patterns. Simple theory exercise: how would you do in this case....? [TODO] (15min)
Theory: Other orchestration ways: BPEL, SCA, JSR181 or POJO. More info in whitepaper. (5min)