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h1. Feature

This binding component allows to interact with an external JMS Destination (queue or topic). Service Units are used to map a JMS destination to a JBI ServiceEndpoint. A JBI MessageExchange sent to a ServiceEndpoint (mapped to a JMS destination) is transformed into a JMS TextMessage and sent to the corresponing JMS destination. A JMS message sent to a JMS Destination is transformed into a JBI MessageExchange and sent to the corresponding JBI ServiceEndpoint.
* Only JMS TextMessage are recognized by the petals-binding-jms component.
* The service operation defined in the JBI MessageExchange is mapped to the operation String property of the JMS TextMessage (both in consumming and providing mode).
* If the JMS BC must use a JMS Provider other than Joram, this provider client libraries must be in the Petals classpath.

{panel:title=Table of contents}{toc}{panel}
h1. Sending or publishing a JBI message to a JMS Queue or Topic
PROVIDE SERVICE: Expose a Java class as a Service

{center}_Provides a JMS queue or topic as a JBI service_{center}

h2. Usage

The petals-bc-jms component can expose as a JBI ServiceEndpoint an external JMS Queue or JMS Topic. This is done by deploying a Service Unit on it.
When a message is received from the JBI environment, it is transformed into a JMS TextMessage and sent or published on the Queue or Topic.

* All MessageExchange patterns are allowed. But, due to the JMS paradigm, all exchanges are processed like InOnly exchanges. For exemple, an InOut exchange returns a default message if JMS message is sent succesfully.
* The external Queue or Topic referenced by the Service Unit doesn't have to be available before you start the Service Unit. But the JNDI server where Queue or Topic are registered, must be available before you deploy the Service Unit.
* The NormalizedMessage properties are automaticaly converted as JMS message properties. Be careful, Weblogic doesn't allow "." character in JMS properties names.
{petalslink:author=llacote|type=FIXME Normal qu'on mentionne Weblogic dans une doc composant Petals ?}{petalslink}

h3. Service Unit descriptor
The Service Unit descriptor file ( jbi.xml ) looks like this :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jbi:jbi xmlns:xsi=""
xmlns:jbi="" version="1.0">
<jbi:services binding-component="false">
<jbi:provides interface-name="petals:JMSSampleProviderInterface"
<petals:param name="address">scn://localhost:26400</petals:param>
<petals:param name="destination-name">queueProvider</petals:param>
<petals:param name="connection-factory">qcf</petals:param>
<petals:param name="user">anonymous</petals:param>
<petals:param name="password">anonymous</petals:param>
<petals:param name="transacted">false</petals:param>
JMS communication attributes:

{center}{*}Service Unit attributes to provide services*{center}

|| {color:#333333}Parameter{color} || {color:#333333}Description{color} || {color:#333333}Default{color} || {color:#333333}Required{color} ||
| provides | Name of the JBI service that will be activated to expose the JMS destination into the JBI environment. Interface (qname), service (qname) and endpoint (string) name are required. | \- | Yes |
| address | Address composed of the URL provider (JNDI access) | \- | Yes |
| destination-name | The JMS destination name where messages will be sent (Queue or Topic JNDI name) | \- | Yes |
| initial-context-factory | The initial-context-factory class name, used to create an InitalContext. | \- | Yes |
| connection-factory | name of the JMS ConnectionFactory registered. | \- | Yes |
| user | User name to access the JMS Destination. | "" | Yes |
| password | Password to access the JMS Destination. | "" | Yes |
| transacted | JMS communication transacted mode. true or false. | "false" | Yes |
| max-active | Controls the maximum number of JMS connections that can be borrowed from the pool at one time. When non-positive, there is no limit to the number of connections that may be active at one time. When maxActive is exceeded, the pool is said to be exhausted. | "10" | No |
| max-idle | Controls the maximum number of JMS connections that can sit idle in the pool at any time. When negative, there is no limit to the number of connections that may be idle at one time. | "5" | No |
| max-wait | If a positive maxWait value is supplied, the JMS component will wait for at most that many milliseconds to retrieve an available JMS connection. If maxWait is non-positive, the component will wait indefinitely. | "10000" | No |
| time-between-eviction-runs-millis | Indicates how long the eviction thread should sleep before "runs" of examining idle connections. When non-positive, no eviction thread will
be launched. | "10000" | No |
| min-evictable-idle-time-millis | Specifies the minimum amount of time that a connection may sit idle in the pool before it is eligable for eviction due to idle time. When non-positive,
no connections will be dropped from the pool due to idle time alone. | "2000" | No |
| test-while-idle | Indicates whether or not idle connections should be validated. Connections that fail to validate will be dropped from the pool. | "true" | No |


Extra attributes: {petalslink:author=llacote|type=FIXME marqué tel quel sans contenu dans le pdf}{petalslink}

{center}{*}Advanced configuration of Service Unit (provides elements)*{center}

|| {color:#333333}Parameter{color} || {color:#333333}Description{color} || {color:#333333}Default{color} || {color:#333333}Required{color} ||
| wsdl | Path to a wsdl file describing services and operations offered by an endpoint activated by the SU. This extension is only usable with provides fields. \\
The path can be a url "http" or "file" or relative to the r oot directory of the SU archive. Ex: "file:///user/ofabre/test.wsdl" or "/WSDL/test.wsdl". \\
If no wsdl path is specified, a simplified description will automaticaly be written by the CF. | \- | No |


{center}{*}Interceptors configuration in the Service Unit*{center}

|| {color:#333333}Parameter{color} || {color:#333333}Description{color} || {color:#333333}Default{color} || {color:#333333}Required{color} ||
| name | Name of the interceptor to use. That's the name defined in the component | \- | Yes |


h3. Service Unit content
The Service Unit has to contain the following elements, packaged in an archive:
* The META-INF/jbi.xml descriptor file, has described above,
* An optional wsdl file describing the related service.
- jbi.xml (as defined above)
- service.wsdl (optional)

h1. Sending a JBI message from a received or published JMS Message
CONSUME SERVICE: Expose an internal service outside the JBI environment

{center}_Consumes a JBI service on JMS message_{center}

The petals-bc-jms component can listen to an external JMS Queue or JMS Topic and send the message to a JBI
ServiceEndpoint. We say that the component consumes the JBI service.
When a message is received from the JMS server (the component listens to the JMS Queue or has subscribed to a JMS Topic), it is transformed into a JBI Message and sent to the JBI ServiceEndpoint configure in the Service Unit.

* All MessageExchange patterns are allowed. But, due to the JMS paradigm, all exchanges are processed like {{InOnly}} exchanges.
* The external Queue or Topic referenced by the Service Unit has to be available before you start the Service Unit.

{petalslink:author=llacote|type=FIXME Normal qu'on mentionne Weblogic dans une doc composant Petals ?}{petalslink}

h3. Service Unit Descriptor

The Service Unit descriptor file ( jbi.xml ) looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jbi:jbi xmlns:xsi=""
xmlns:jbi="" version="1.0">
<jbi:services binding-component="false">
<jbi:consumes interface-name="{}HelloworldInterface">
<petals:param name="address">scn://localhost:26400</petals:param>
<petals:param name="destination-name">queueConsumer</petals:param>
<petals:param name="connection-factory">qcf</petals:param>
<petals:param name="user">anonymous</petals:param>
<petals:param name="password">anonymous</petals:param>
<petals:param name="transacted">false</petals:param>
<petals:param name="operation">printMessage</petals:param>
JMS communication attributes:

JMS communication attributes:

{center}{*}Service Unit attributes to provide services*{center}

|| {color:#333333}Parameter{color} || {color:#333333}Description{color} || {color:#333333}Default{color} || {color:#333333}Required{color} ||
| consumes | Name of the JBI service that will be called into the JBI environment. When a JMS message is received. Only the interface (qname) name can be provided (the container will choose a ServiceEndpoint for this interface), or you can only set service (qname) and endpoint (string) names, without the interface name. | \- | Yes |
| address | Address composed of the URL provider (JNDI access) and the destination name to listen to | \- | Yes |
| destination-name | The JMS destination name where messages will be sent (Queue or Topic JNDI name) | \- | Yes |
| initial-context-factory | The initial-context-factory class name, used to create an InitalContext. | \- | Yes |
| connection-factory | name of the JMS ConnectionFactory registered. | \- | Yes |
| user | User name to access the JMS Destination. | "" | Yes |
| password | Password to access the JMS Destination. | "" | Yes |
| transacted | JMS communication transacted mode. true or false. | "false" | No |
| operation | JMS operation property. | \- | Yes |

Extra attributes:

{center}{*}Advanced configuration of Service Unit (consumes elements)*{center}

|| {color:#333333}Parameter{color} || {color:#333333}Description{color} || {color:#333333}Default{color} || {color:#333333}Required{color} ||
| mep | Message exchange pattern abbreviation. This parameter can be used in conjunction with a method of the Listeners: createMessageExchange(Extensions extensions). This method returns
a MessageExchange corresponding to the type of the specified pattern. \\
Admitted values are: {{InOnly}}, {{RobustInOnly}}, {{InOptionalOut}}, {{InOut}}. | \- | Yes |
| operation | Operation to call on a service. This parameter can be used in conjuntcion
with the sendXXX methods of the Listeners. If no operation is specified in the MessageExchange to send, this parameter will be used. | \- | Yes |
| timeout | Timeout in milliseconds in a synchroneous send. This parameter can be used in conjunction with the *sendSync(MessageExchange exchange)* method of the Listeners. With this, a synchroneous send is done with this timeout value. \\
0 for no timeout. \\
int number >= 0 for a timeout. | \- | No |
| org.objectweb.petals.routing.strategy | This property defines the routing strategy. Two kind of strategies can be defined: highest or random. The others parameters represents respectively the local ponderation, the ponderation of the remote active endpoint and
the ponderation of the remote inactive endpoint. \\
The 'random' strategy chooses an endpoint in function of defined ponderations. The endpoints that have the strongest ponderation can be more easely choose in comparison with the others. \\
The 'highest' strategy chooses the first endpoint in the list that have the
strongest ponderation. | \- | No |
| org.objectweb.petals.transport.compress | The payload of a MessageExchange is an XML file. It can be interesting to compress it before messages are exchanged between two PEtALS nodes. \\
Values are {{true}} or {{false}}. True activates the compression of the message content. | \- | No |
| org.objectweb.petals.messaging.noack | All JBI exchanges end by a message containing a DONE or ERROR status. The consumer must accept those messages, otherwise they are accumulated in the NMR. Moreover, thoses messages cause useless trafic. \\
Values are {{true}} or {{false}}. True make DONE or ERROR messages not sent.
| \- | No |
| org.objectweb.petals.transport.qos | This property sets up the policy of the Quality of Service supported by Petals Transporter. \\
Possible values are: {{reliable}}, {{fast}}. If not specified, the reliable policy is selected by default. | "reliable" | No |
| operation | JMS operation property. | \- | Yes |

{center}{*}Interceptors configuration in the Service Unit*{center}

|| {color:#333333}Parameter{color} || {color:#333333}Description{color} || {color:#333333}Default{color} || {color:#333333}Required{color} ||
| name | Name of the interceptor to use, defined in the component. | \- | Yes |

h3. Service Unit content
The Service Unit has to contain the following elements, packaged in an archive:
* The META-INF/jbi.xml descriptor file, has described above
- jbi.xml (as defined above)

h1. Component Configuration
The following attributes can be set during the installation phase to configure the component, using the params element of the jbi-install-component ANT task:
no configuration for this component (JBI).

{center}{*}Configuration of the component (CDK)*{center}

|| {color:#333333}Parameter{color} || {color:#333333}Description{color} || {color:#333333}Default{color} || {color:#333333}Required{color} ||
| pool-size | Number of threads listening to messages coming from the JBI container 0
(JBIListeners). \\
Int number >= 1 | 0 | No |
| ignored-status | When the component receives an acknowledgement message exchange, it can skip the processing of these message according to the type of the acknowledgment. If you decide to not ignore some acknowledgement, the component listeners must take care of them. \\
| properties-file | Name of the file containing properties used as reference by other parameters. Parameters reference the property name in the following pattern $\{myPropertyName}. At runtime, the expression is replaced by the value of the property. \\
The value of this parameter is :
* an URL
* a file relative to the PEtALS installation path
* an empty value to stipulate a non-using file | \- | No | Installation |
| external-listener-class-name | Qualified name of the class extending *AbstractExternalListener*
{note}Only for Binding Components{note} | \- | No | Component |
| jbi-listener-class-name | Qualified name of the class extending *AbstractJBIListener* | \- | Yes |
| external-listener-class-name | Qualified name of the class extending *AbstractExternalListener* | \- | No |

{center}{*}Interceptors configuration in the component*{center}

|| {color:#333333}Parameter{color} || {color:#333333}Description{color} || {color:#333333}Default{color} || {color:#333333}Required{color} ||
| class | Name of the interceptor class. This class must extend the abstract class org.objectweb.petals.component.common.interceptor.Interceptor. This class have to be present in the classloader, in component or CF or in a shared library. | \- | Yes |
| name | Name of the interceptor. This name will be used for additional class name
configuration in the SU. | class name | No |
| active | Interceptor is active for all SU | true | No

{petalslink:author=llacote|type=FIXME Voir ci le chapitre Samples ci-dessous peut être déplacé dans une page Use Case spécifique}{petalslink}

h1. Samples

Two usecases are defined in this section:
* The send of JMS Messages to the JBI Helloworld Service Engine.
* The send of JBI Messages to the JMS External provider.
This section presents how to install the different components and service assemblies to realize these use cases.
In each case, the external JMS Server where the client and provider queue are defined must be started in first.

h2. Install the External JMS Server
To install the external JMS server, you must download and extracts the zip archive at this url:
[Specify joram client link here|].
This package also contains the external jms Client and Provider used in the next sections.
Insert all jars in your classpath and start the JMS server with the command below:
{code}java org.objectweb.petals.usecase.jms.common.JMSServer{code}
If it is OK, you must see the lines below:
Start JORAM server S0...
...JORAM server S0 started
Initialize JMS service...
(connect to JORAM server)
(Creation of the queue: queueConsumer)
(Queue created)
(Queue bound)
(Creation of the queue: queueProvider)
(Queue created)
(Queue bound)
(disconnect from JORAM server)
JMS destinations initialized...
Now, the external JMS Server is ready and the client and provider queues (respectively, queueConsumer and queueProvider) have been created. You can execute the usecases below.

h2. Send a JMS Message to the JBI Helloworld Service Engine
To send a JMS Message to the JBi HelloWorld Service Engine, you must install several components in the order listed below:
# The HelloWorld Service Engine component ([Download here|]).
# The JMS binding component ([Download here|]).
# The sa-jms-consume service assembly ([Download here|]). This service assembly contains one service unit:
{{su-jms-consume}} service unit. This service unit consumes the endpoint defined by the next service unit.
Once these components are installed, you must install the JMS client.
To install the JMS client, you must download and extracts the zip archive at this url:
[Specify joram client link here|]

By default, the JMS client is started in console mode.
Inserts all jars in your classpath and start the JMS client with the command below:
{code}java org.objectweb.petals.usecase.jms.client.Client{code}
If it is OK, you must see the lines below:
Start the Echo JMS client...
The parameters used for this client are listed below:
No file has been given in input:
You can write the xml message to send in the console or write 'quit' to exit ...(for instance:
<text>hello world</text>)

You can write an xml message and verify that it has been received by the helloworld component.
If you want that the JMS client send a xml file to the helloworld, you can configure it with the 'file' option as seen below:
{code}java org.objectweb.petals.usecase.jms.common.Client -file=test.xml{code}
the test.xml file is shown below:
<text>Hello World</text>
All these components can be seen on Figure 3.1, “The sa-jms-consume use case”
{center}_Sa-jms-consumes mechanics_{center}
h2. Send a JBI Message to the external JMS provider
To send a JBI Message to the external JMS provider, you must install several components in the order listed below:
* The Sample Client Service Engine component ([Download here|]).
* The JMS binding component ([Download here|]).
* The sa-jms-provide service assembly ([Download here|]). This service assembly contains one service unit:
the {{su-jms-provide}} service unit. This service unit provides an endpoint to contact the external JMS provider.
Once these components are installed, you must install the JMS provider.
To install the JMS provider, you must download and extracts the zip archive at this url:
[Specify joram client link here|]

Inserts all jars in your classpath and start the JMS provider with the command below:
{code}java org.objectweb.petals.usecase.jms.provider.Provider{code}
If it is OK, you must see the lines below:
Start the JMS Echo services...
The parameters used for this server are listed below:
Start the message receiver...
Message receiver started...
... JMS Echo services started...
Creating message receiver...
MsgListener ready to listen for Receiver
Now, the external JMS provider is ready to receive messages. You can use the sample client to send xml message to the endpoint defined by the su-jms-provide service unit.
All these components can be seen on figure below, “The sa-jms-provide usecase”.