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{panel:title=Last tested with}
* Petals ESB 3.1
* Petals Studio 1.1.0
* Petals SE RMI 1.1.1
* Petals BC SOAP 4.0.2
* Petals Webconsole 2.0.3
* Tomcat 6.0.29
* JDK 6 update 20

*Added in this tutorial :*
* Petals BC FTP 3.2.1
* soapUI 3.6

h2. Deploy a FTP Service Unit

Configure and deploy a FTP Service Unit [] (15 min)

h2. Test and monitor in Webconsole

Test the DIR operation with Webconsole, with different parameters. (15min)

h2. Expose the FTP in SOAP

Proxify the FTP operations with SOAP (15min)

h2. Test with SOAP UI

[Download SOAPUI|] and install it. SOAP UI is a client to send and receive SOAP messages.
Create a SOAPUIproject with the proxified FTP (10min)
Test the FTP with SOAPUI (10min)
Webconsole technical monitoring (5min)