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{panel:title=Last tested with}
* Petals ESB 3.1
* Petals Studio 1.1.0
* Petals SE RMI 1.1.1
* Petals BC SOAP 4.0.2
* Petals Webconsole 2.0.3
* Tomcat 6.0.29
* JDK 6 update 20
* Petals SE Jsr181 1.1.2

*Added in this tutorial :*
* Petals SE EIP 2.4.3

{info}This tutorial is based on [EIP Buffer complex use case|petalsesb:Bufferize operations with EIP].

h2. Definition of our integration process

Today you will bufferize messages, to process them all in one by _MathOperations_.

You will use Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP, see below for explanations) to create this process :
* Several messages are sent to an *EIPAggregator* pattern, which bufferize all incoming messages.
* Trigger message is sent to *EipAggregator.*
* *EipAggregator* sends an aggregated message to *EipSPlitter*.
* *EipSplitter* splits the aggregated message back into multiple messages.
* *EipSPlitter* sends the multiple messages to the operation *AddIntegers* on the service *MathOperations.*
* *MathOperations.AddIntegers* processes the messages and send you the responses.

{gliffy:space=petalsesb|page=Bufferize operations with EIP|name=Petals RMI-EIP-JSR181}

h2. Little bit of theory: EIP (Enterprise Integration Patterns) and XPath

*What is EIP ?*
A set of design patterns for enterprise application integration.
What is Agregator pattern ?

What is Splitter Pattern ?

*What is XPath ?*

Run this tutorial (takes \~30 min) for Xpath : []

We will use XPath to control conditions on EIP patterns.

h2. Configure the Splitter

Configure EIP Splitter pattern (10min)

h2. Configure the Aggregator

Configure EIP Aggregator pattern (10min)

h2. Test the EIP chain

Assemble the 2 SU in one SA and deploy (5min)
Test the Chain Aggregator=>Splitter=>MathOperations (15min)

h2. More about orchestration

Theory: Look at other EIP patterns. Simple theory exercise: how would you do in this case....? [TODO] (15min)
Theory: Other orchestration ways: BPEL, SCA, JSR181 or POJO. More info in whitepaper. (5min)[|]