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{center}{*}Configuration of a Service Unit to provide a service (JBI)*{center}

|| Parameter || Description \\ || Default \\ || Required ||
| provides | Describe the JBI service that will be exposed into the JBI bus. Interface (QName), Service (QName) and Endpoint (String) attributes are required. | {center}\-{center} | {center}Yes{center} |

{center}{*}Configuration of a Service Unit to provide a service (CDK)*{center}

|| {color:#333333}Parameter{color} || {color:#333333}Description{color}\\ || {color:#333333}Default{color}\\ || {color:#333333}Required{color}\\ ||
| timeout | Timeout in milliseconds of a synchronous send. This parameter is used by the method {{sendSync}} (Exchange exchange) proposes by the CDK {{Listeners}} classes. \\
Set it to 0 for an infinite timeout. | {center}30000\\
{center} | {center}No{center} |
| retrypolicy | This section defines a policy when attempting external transfer of message, before accepting the service as failed.
{note}Only for Binding Components.{note} | {center}\-{center} | {center}No{center} |
| retrypolicy - attempts | The number of transfer attempts. | {center}\-{center} | {center}bound to {{retrypolicy{}}}{center} |
| retrypolicy - delay | The delay in milliseconds between transfer attempts. | {center}\-{center} | {center}bound to {{retrypolicy{}}}{center} |
| exchange-properties | This sections defines the list of properties to set to the JBI exchange when processing a service. | {center}\-{center} | {center}No{center} |
| message-properties | This sections defines the list of properties to set to the JBI message when processing a service. | {center}\-{center} | {center}No{center} |
| validate-wsdl | Activate the validation of the WSDL when deploying a service unit. | {center}true{center} | {center}No{center} |
| WSDL | Path to the WSDL document describing services and operations exposed by the provided JBI endpoints defined in the SU. \\
The value of this parameter is : \\
* an URL
* a file relative to the root of the SU package \\
If not specified, a basic WSDL description is automaticaly provided by the CDK. | {center}\-{center} | {center}No{center} |
| forward-attachments \\ | Defines if attachment will be forwarded. \\ | {center}false{center} | {center}No{center} |
| forward-message-properties \\ | Defines if the message properties will be forwarded. | {center}false{center} | {center}No{center} |
| forward-security-subject \\ | Defines if the security subject will be forwarded. | {center}false{center} | {center}No{center} |
{table-plus}{center}{*}Configuration of a Service Unit to provide a service (JBI)*{center}

\|\| Parameter \|\| Description
\|\| Default
\|\| Required \|\|
\| provides \| Describe the JBI service that will be exposed into the JBI bus. Interface (QName), Service (QName) and Endpoint (String) attributes are required. \| {center}\-{center}
\| {center}Yes{center}