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Welcome to the PetalsLink documentation wiki.

A team label is used to group together a list of spaces relevant to a project team. You can display a team's spaces by selecting a label from below:
View Spaces for Team:
Space: Petals Webconsole 2.0
Introduction, user and developer guide for the Web Console, the technical monitoring tool for Petals ESB.
Browse the "petalswebconsole20" space You dont have permission to add pages to "{0}"
Space: Petals Webconsole Snapshot
Introduction, user and developer guide for the Web Console, the technical monitoring tool for Petals ESB.
Browse the "petalswebconsolesnapshot" space You dont have permission to add pages to "{0}"

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Page: Petals-BC-JMS 3.3.0+ (Petals Components)
Page: Petals-BC-JMS 3.2.2+ (Petals Components)
Page: Petals-BC-JMS 3.2.1+ (Petals Components)
Page: Petals-BC-JMS 3.2.0+ (Petals Components)