Installing Petals View

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Version 5 by Sandra TRINO
on Jan 21, 2011 15:28.

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h3. Installation in a nutshell:

* download these JBI components: and;

h3. How does it work?

* You configure a component so that when it is installed, it will register in petals-se-notification base: "I can send notifications to you".

h3. Servers tested

* Tomcat: versions: 5.5.27, 6.0.29

h3. Databases tested

* H2

{multi-excerpt:name=Configuring Petals View}

h1. Stage 2: Configuring Petals View

h3. petals-se-kpi component

* Download the KPI component (

* On the line <petals-se-kpi:hibernateURL>: fill in the path of the file (that you created in Stage 1).


<petals-se-kpi:hibernateURL xmlns:xsi=""

If you use MySQL or Oracle database, You need to copy mysql-connector-java-5.1.x.jar or oracle-jdbc-10g.jar in your petals-se-kpi component with the others dependencies.

Save the changes.

h3. PetalsView.war

* Download Petals View (PetalsView.war)

* Browse to PetalsView.war/WEB-INF/spring

* Open the file petals-view-hibernate.xml

* Change the hibernate dialect and configure others informations (if necessary):

<property name="hibernateProperties">


<!-- #################################

Here, the hibernate dialect must be defined.

for MySQL: com.ebmwebsourcing.petalsview.persistence.util.MySqlInnoDBDialect

for PostgreSQL: org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect

for H2: org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect

for Oracle 10g: org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect

################################# -->

<prop key="hibernate.dialect">



<!-- #################################

Here, the hibernate hbm2dll can be defined :

create (create the sql schema)

update (update the sql schema)

validate (verification (check that the sql schema is right)

################################# -->

<prop key="">



<!-- #################################

Here, the sql queries logs can be defined

true : the sql queries appear in logs

false : the sql queries not don't appear in logs

################################# -->

<prop key="hibernate.show_sql">






* Save the changes.

* If you use MySQL database or Oracle database, Yyou need to copy mysql-connector-java-5.1.x.jar (PetalsView does not work with&nbsp;; or oracle-jdbc-10g.jar in your server repository.

* Define the jndi name to access database in your server: it must be named PetalsViewDataSource (for JBoss, Jonas and WebLogic) or jdbc/PetalsViewDataSource (for Glassfish).

If you use Tomcat, you must change the file PetalsView.war/META-INF/context.xml and configure here your informations. An exemple context.xml is provided here with H2 datasource configuration uncommented and MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle configuration commented:

If you use Tomcat, you must change the file PetalsView.war/META-INF/context.xml and configure here your informations. An exemple context.xml is provided here with H2 datasource configuration uncommented and MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle configuration example commented:




By default, the datasource access is provided by JNDI.

Here, the database must be specified (its driverClass, jdbcUrl,user, password),

the c3p0 properties can be modified (maxPoolSize, minPoolSize, acquireIncrement).



<!-- ###################### H2 DataSource configuration example-->

<Resource name="jdbc/PetalsViewDataSource"

acquireIncrement="2" />

<!-- ###################### MySQL DataSource configuration example-->


<!-- ###################### Oracle DataSource configuration example -->


If you use WebLogic, you must delete comments in the web.xml file (in PetalsView.war/WEB-INF/ repository) and package PetalsView.war in .ear (with in ear/META-INF repository weblogic-application.xml file).

An exemple weblogic-application.xml is provided here:

If you use WebLogic, you must delete comments in the web.xml file (in PetalsView.war/WEB-INF/ repository) and package PetalsView.war in ear (with in ear/META-INF repository weblogic-application.xml file).

An exemple weblogic-application.xml is provided here

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>








{multi-excerpt:name=Configuring and setting up notification environment}

h1. Stage 3: Configuring and setting up notification environment

* Setting up Petals ESB and its components:


{multi-excerpt:name=Configuring the Referential in Petals View}

h1. *Stage 5: Configuring the Referential in Petals View*

* Deploy Petals View's war in an application server

* To connect for the first time, use the default admin user (login/password: admin/admin)

For more details on configuring a referential in Petals View, check our PetalsView-UserGuide.pdf

Click on "Referential Management" in left menu panel.

h2. If you already launched at least one flow in PetalsESB:

h2. If you already launch at least one flow in PetalsESB:

* Click on the "Unknown" flow type:

Click on any defined step to access its edition screen.

To configure a parameter {{in}}:

To configure a parameter in:

* In functional fields click on "ADD" and fill in the following informations:

To configure a parameter out or fault:
To configure a parameter {{out}} or {{fault}}:

* In functional fields click on "ADD" and fill in the following informations:

* Click on "Submit" to save changes and come back on step's edition screen.

Repeat the procedure to configure any and all steps and parameters out or fault.

h2. If you didn't launch any flow in Petals ESB yet:

* Click on ''ADD'' button

# replace the H2 database, that is not recommended, by another database engine.

h2. Petal View not deploy in JBoss 6

PetalsView does not run with JBoss Application Server 6 because of incompatible versions of CXF. JAS provides a version of CXF that can't be used by PetalsView, and the classloader isolation of JBoss does not work correctly .