Installing Petals View

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Version 8 by Sandra TRINO
on Jan 21, 2011 17:00.

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h1. Introduction

h2. Overview

h3. Installation in a nutshell:

* download these JBI components: and;
* download the petals view's war (petals-view-ui-X.war);

h3. How does it work?

* You configure a component so that when it is installed, it will register in petals-se-notification base: "I can send notifications to you".
* Upon reception, petals-se-notification forwards these notifications to petals-se-kpi (configured with its own services assemblies -- sa-kpi).

h3. Servers tested

* Tomcat: versions: 5.5.27, 6.0.29
* JBoss: versions: 4.0.5.GA, 4.2.3.GA, 5.0.1.GA, 5.1.0.GA

h3. Databases tested

* H2
* MySQL: version: 5.0

{multi-excerpt:name=Configuring Petals View}

h1. Stage 2: Configuring Petals View

h3. petals-se-kpi component

* Download the KPI component (
* Browse to

h3. PetalsView.war

* Download Petals View (PetalsView.war)
* Browse to PetalsView.war/WEB-INF/spring

{multi-excerpt:name=Configuring and setting up notification environment}

h1. Stage 3: Configuring and setting up notification environment

{multi-excerpt:name=Creating your and corresponding}

h1. Stage 4: Creating your and corresponding

A SA-KPI is composed of: a META-INF folder which will contain jbi.xml file and the

example of a jbi.xml file from a :

{toggle-cloak:id=code4}Display code example
<jbi version="1.0" xmlns="">

A SU-KPI is composed of: a META-INF folder containing SU's jbi.xml file and a special file, modelNotification.xls

example of jbi.xml file of a SU:

{toggle-cloak:id=code5}Display code example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- CDK specific fields -->

<!-- Component specific elements -->
<!-- Subscription to process on init : -->

* The text in red defines for which state you configure the present SU: in -- out -- status \--fault.
* Texts in blue define the filtering you want to apply to notifications:
<kpi:MessageContentXpath>boolean(/*\[local-name()='publishBusinessEntity'{color}\])</kpi:MessageContentXpath> :
\*\* here you can apply filtering criteria on content fields, as long as they are present in the messages. If you don't want any content filtering, set the value to "true".
Example : <kpi:MessageContentXpath>boolean({color:#0084d1}true(){color})</kpi:MessageContentXpath> <kpi:MessageContentXpath>boolean(true())</kpi:MessageContentXpath>
** You can filter directly on service's endpoint or interface (these fields are not mandatory). You can also filter on endpoint:

{multi-excerpt:name=Configuring the Referential in Petals View}

h1. *Stage 5: Configuring the Referential in Petals View*